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I don't feel like having sex with my boyfriend any more

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 January 2010) 7 Answers - (Newest, 23 February 2010)
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend had fantasy sex with his friend (girl) he knows. It looks like every time he is imaging to have sex, he will think about this girl. But he told me he will never have sex with this girl in real life. Is he lying to me?

He loves me, and we have good sex, but why he still has fantasy sex with a different girl? Should I break up with my boyfriend? I can't stand why he has another girl in his mind/heart. And I don't even want to have sex with him anymore, I don't know if he will think of that girl too when we have sex. Help.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 February 2010):

he's lying to you girlfriend i can't believe you can't see that he always talking about her theirs something he like and want to try with her so you betta watch out

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 January 2010):

Thanks for your answer Stephanie.

My concern is that, he called out that girl's name. And that girl is not pretty at all. I feel like he's emotionally, and mentally attached to that girl. We know each other for over 6 years, and dating for over 3 years, he always cares about me, and make me the first priority. But I can't accept him to have another girl in his mind/heart. He said he's not going to do it again, but I don't trust him anymore.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 January 2010):

No, he didn't tell me. I found out by heard he called a different girl's name.

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A female reader, stephanie,jayne United Kingdom +, writes (29 January 2010):

fFrstly let me say your right to feel this way about the situation. I recently went through this problem with my boyfriend, he admitted to me that he has masturbated over his ex girlfriends since he has been with me, so i completley understand how much this hurts!

Your probably wondering if he is still attracted to you or if he likes this other girl more than you, or even if he imagines being with her when you make love!

The answer to all of these questions is no! He still thinks your stunning, he doesnt have feelings for this girl other than he thinks she is good looking, and when he is with you, he only thinks of you!

Men think so differnetly to women, and him having fantasy sex with other women probably meens alot less than you think! Men watch porn regulaly, and obviously eyeball anything with a mini skirt and boobs that walks past, even when your sat right next to them, but this is just what men do, please try not to get too upset by the fantasy sex thing, it may seem like a big deal to you but to him it meens nothing! i recomend a book called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by john gray. it may shed a bit of light on why men and women often get there wires crossed! :) hope this has helped x steph x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 January 2010):

Thank you so much for answering my question.

No, he didn't tell me about this. I found out by hearing he called a different girl's name. I asked him if he did, he tried to lie to me at the begining, but since I heard with my own ear, he admitted to it.

He is emotionally and mentally having sex with another girl, that's as bad as physically.

I am a pretty good looking girl, and a lot of my guy friends are going after me, but I picked my current boyfriend. The girl he had fantasy sex with is not even good looking at all. My boyfriend admitted to it too. So, if she's not physically attracted to him, so what is it? Emotionally? I am very confused. My boyfriend loves me but at the same time loves another girl?

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (29 January 2010):

Well if he's there having fantasy sex and has told you so, then he hasn't really got much respect for you at all. On that basis I'd say you probably should break up. Fantasies should be left in the mind if they are like this. To tell you he was having a fantasy about another girl was careless and uncaring.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 January 2010):

I have fantasy sex with my attorney - I think hes really hot!! And just because I have this fantasy doesnt mean that I am going to carry out the fantasy.

If he wants to fantasise let him, thats all it is, a fantasy.

You should try it sometime, close your eyes during sex and start imagining........ wow!!

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