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How does the rhythm method work? I want to use it.

Tagged as: Big Questions, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 February 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 6 February 2008)
A age 30-35, anonymous writes:

How on earth do you work out the rhythm method? Is this when you look at your period, and decide when it is safe to have sex? Could someone tell me how to do this? I'd really like to try and use it.

View related questions: period

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A male reader, ArabianPrince United Arab Emirates +, writes (6 February 2008):

The best book about this subject is Taking charge of your fertility written by a female author. You can find it in Amazon

Trust me...this book is very simple and has lots of illustrations.

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A female reader, Fairy_Lu United Kingdom +, writes (5 February 2008):

Fairy_Lu agony auntI would stick to condoms or the pill this method isnt exactly great for contraception and there is still the risk of pregnancy or catching STI's

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 February 2008):

Hi Hunny,

Im sending you a link love but I would suggest you take proper contraception, As this is really not a safe sexual practice love

Take care with love MANDY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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A female reader, jkobeska United States +, writes (5 February 2008):

At 16 or 17 this really isn't a good idea, use a condom to protect you from stds and hiv. Plus, you don't want to end up with a kid at your age trust me, all fun time would be over!

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