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He's showing off his genitals online and getting paid for it!!!

Tagged as: Family, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 August 2009) 6 Answers - (Newest, 3 August 2009)
A female Canada age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I found out that my husband was uploading movies and photos of his genitals to the Internet when I clicked on the browser (it was my day off from work, and he'd left the browser open after he'd put the computer on in the morning!).

He'd set out for work by then. I was disgusted by what I saw. Not just disgusted, but shocked, and sickened!

An entire website with movies and photos of his genitals and penis, which proclaimed "5000 HITS!! SEE THE GENII KNIGHT NOW!! PAY TO SEE MORE GENITAL PHOTOS IN HIGH-RES!"

5,000 hits - isn't that small beer for website viewing figures?

The website appeared to have pictures of him that looked professionally-shot. Words could not describe how I felt, I was brought to tears - and not in a good way.

When he came home from work, I showed him the site, but he insisted I shouldn't be prying into his business.

Now this explains where we get the extra money from - despite my husband's claims he's been getting pay rises at work.

I tried to talk with him, but he just kept changing the subject.

He insists he can make money how he wants.

I feel like I've disappointed my parents and myself getting married to him, as my parents love him, they think he's a great guy, but if they knew about this seedy side I worry about their reaction.

Will this become common knowledge and how should I react to the situation?

Having never even dealt with anything like this in my life, I don't know HOW to react!

View related questions: at work, money, the internet

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A reader, anonymous, writes (3 August 2009):

Hey, how can the rest of us cash in on this? Right now I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and someone will pay me to post my genitals online? Post their web address quick!!

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A female reader, tERi0N! United States +, writes (2 August 2009):

tERi0N! agony aunti think that your his wife and he should have told you about his JOB and where he got the money from...

but he has to look at it like this what if you were doing what he is doing and he didnt know about it??? he would be in the same situation u are in rite now..

i think he should have told u instead of u finding out

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A male reader, guywithlove United States +, writes (2 August 2009):

its difficult i know...and how could he do it...its wrong...leave him.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (2 August 2009):

Danielepew agony auntHe's an exhibitionist, in the sense psychologists would define the term (I'm not saying we should burn him at the stake, by the way). It is very much understandable that this situation has shocked you. It is much worse because it is an activity he's engaging in consciously, with full knowledge of what he does, and he's making money out of it. And it is clear he won't stop just because it shocks you.

I believe that you need to make a personal decision whether you can live with this or not.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 August 2009):

5000 hits isn't going to generate any income that you would notice.

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A male reader, Elliiott France +, writes (2 August 2009):

Elliiott agony auntYou are both right, It's his body, So he may do as he wish, But then again, He did lie to you about the matter.

I would try again to speak to him, If he really doesn't want to know what you think, Then he doesn't care, And you're married so there shouldn't be any lying or secrets.

If you aren't okay with what he does, Tell him.

And maybe, You could speak to your parents about this, They could maybe help you a bit more, Than I.

Hope I helped, And good luck !

- Elliott.

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