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Do I have to compromise and give up my goals to find love? Caring for animals is my passion. Can I find love too?

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Question - (8 October 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 8 October 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Will I ever find someone with the same goals as me? I am interested in love, men, etc....finding "the one", but what I am most interested in in life is animals. I want and dedicate my life to making sure I help as many animals as I can. Its time consuming, money consuming, and down right hard work providing all the love and care necessary to make these animals feel at home in just a 24 hour day.

My question is though.....will I have to give this life up to find a partner to be by my side? Im not sure I could give up this dream just for a man. Its what I like to do, and i'm in love with the animals I care for. So.....what are the odds? Should I just give up now? I dont wanna be 50 before I find what i'm looking for....

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A male reader, niiik Nepal +, writes (8 October 2011): cool dont worry about guys do first what u love give as much time n dedication to these animals who u really love......n finding a my opinion dont u worry cuz u will find some one someday sooner or a little later in your life n most probably u can find him around someone who is also fond of animals like dont u worry u will get someone who is maybe of ur profession too

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 October 2011):

Always do what you love first and good things will follow...wether it be romance or finance. Stay true to yourself and don't worry.

Things work themselves out

But be open to human love :)

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A female reader, Abella United States +, writes (8 October 2011):

Abella agony auntlook around at the couples who work together saving and caring for animals. Think of the wildlife adventurers who invariably bring their wife and children along.

If you are at the Animal Doctor hospital with and injured animals then say Hi to any of the staff around your age. Chances are one of the staff they will like animals too and you.

If you know a group that works to prevent animal cruelty then join it. Go to one of the meetings. It will get you meeting like minded people.

Chances are that one of those people may share your passion for animals AND like you. Romance could blossom.

If there is ever an exhibition pertaining to caring for animals and equipment and food suppliers for pets then attend - you never know your luck in a big city. When you seek out networking opportunities to locate things that can help your animals, but also realise your passion for caring for animals is also an opportunity to meet like-minded people in the wider community.

Good luck in your quest

And such good souls as your are also no doubt appreciated in the animal kingdom too

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