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Any tips on how I can claim his attention, without seeming jealous?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Friends, Teenage, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 October 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 18 October 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

This is going to sound a bit silly, but I need to know how to flirt with the guy I like, and not let my friend get all the attention.

I met him at a gig a couple weeks ago, and we've been texting and talking all the time, and me and my friends are going to meet up with him and two of his mates soon. However, one of my friends who's coming, always gets attention. From whoever, she's got the boys drooling all over her, all the girls want her to be their best friend. And after a while, it gets annoying. I'm always pushed to the back, and I can accept that. But when it comes down to a guy I like, I just don't know if I want to be pushed to the back this time. She's pretty and everything, but not beautiful, or a stunner. I think one of the main reason people like her is because she's a bit ditzy, she's cute. But I'm not like that, sure I can be a bit ditzy, and mess around and get hyper.. But at the end of the day, I'm not like her. I couldn't be like her, it would be too hard for me.

I know he likes me and everything already, but I just know what she's like, she always gets the attention. Even if they don't mean to give it to her.

Any tips on how I can claim his attention, without seeming jealous? Also, flirting tips would be helpful too! :)

View related questions: best friend, flirt, jealous, text

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A male reader, Ven United States +, writes (18 October 2010):

Get him talking. I'm a 25 year old guy and not a teenage girl so I may be wrong, but if you can get the guy invested in a serious conversation (something he wants to talk about) then it doesn't really leave room for flirting. When people on the outside try and jump in to flirt, it is seen as an interruption usually.

You don't have to be jealous of your friend, but you can just spend your time hanging out with just the guy. Walk next to him, talk mostly to him, and focus yourself on him.

Or, you could sneak text him all night. It's like having a secret conversation behind everyone else's back, and it's a lot of fun.

Lastly, you could just tell him beforehand that you really really don't want to see him hanging his night on your girlfriend. Even if he was just a friend, he would still back off her to keep your evening from being upsetting. Unless of course he is a jackass, in which case you should just let him do his jackassey thing.

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