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After asking me if I had an STD he called me a ho and untrustworthy, but I still really like him. Should I talk to him again?

Tagged as: Health, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 May 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 May 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i have always had bad luck with the dating thing, until i went to college i met the guy of my dreams, i wanted him so bad. So one day he hit me up and gave me his number and i was so happy, we started texting daily and hanging out and then we stated having sex. we were not official but he would call me his main girl, this went on for about 2months everything was great, i thought he could actually be my boyfriend. but school was getting in the way and we took a break we stopped talking to each, we would pass each other without speaking it was just getting awkward. when may came around i told him lets hangout, cause we needed to talk about why we did not speak anymore and he says "do you have a std" literally out of nowhere and i know i dont have anything, he called me hoe and a liar and untrustworthy i felt so bad, so i went to the health center the next day and got tested for everything and sure enough i was clean but i really like him and i was trying to decide of i should talk to him again?

View related questions: a break, liar, std, text

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A female reader, KeighleySky United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2011):

KeighleySky agony auntI'd suggest you go to him and show him your papers.

I think its obvious that he has an STD and wants to blame you for it because he doesnt know who hes got it from.

Then you call him a hoe and see how he likes it.

Just because hes been a bit of a sl*g doesnt mean you should get the blame for it, he may tell people you have an STD so I'd just throw the papers in his face if i were you.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 May 2011):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thank you so much :)

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A male reader, a-g55 United Kingdom +, writes (27 May 2011):

a-g55 agony auntWait until he comes to you an apologises. if you go to him you will validate to him that you accept bieng called those things and open up yourself to an abusive relationship. only talk to him if he apologises prefusely. make him work!

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (27 May 2011):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI would not talk to a man who called me a ho/whore....or a liar... who accused me of having an STD?

why bother with someone who has so little respect for you?

can you list all the reasons you like him... all the things he does to support you, to cherish you, to love you/like you?

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