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*estern3589 agony aunt


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" I know what it's like"

I enjoy helping people out with problems I had, and still facing in my life. We're all here for each other

< Prev123Next > [3 pages, 67 answers]

Does giving or receiving oral sex mean you're not a virgin any more?

Q.   Hi, I'm a 14 year old virgin and I was just wondering... is oral sex counted as sex and If you do it.. does it mean you've lost your virginity? I have a couple of friends who want to know the answer to that question and so do I. Feel free to input ...

A.   4 January 2009: No, only vaginal intercourse will lose your viginity... (read in full...)

I'm in love with 2 boys, I can't choose and it's driving me crazy!

Q.   I'm in love with two boys. And they're best mates too. I can't choose. It's driving me crazy, and I don't know how to behave to them. I can't be flirty with both. I can't say no to both. I have to choose one of them, and that's time now! Pleas...

A.   4 January 2009: Maybe on of them dont like you so it would not hurt your feelings If you really care about them you should not do anything, one day when they are not as good friends flirt with one.... (read in full...)

He wants to take me to his house. What does he mean by that?

Q.   I met a good friend of mine (who's a guy that I really, really like) for lunch the other day. We talked and laughed and gazed in each other's eyes for the first time which felt really strange. Afterwards when he was taking me home he mentioned that ...

A.   4 January 2009: I believe he wants to get more intimate with you... (read in full...)

How can I make my penis scars less noticeable?

Q.   Hi im 19 years old male and still virgin. I have a great relationship with a great girl for 2 years atm. She asked me for sex 18-19 months ago, and never stop asking yet. She says she finds me attractive and wants to make our relationship "co...

A.   4 January 2009:  time heals scars and nothing else, as for the sack thing im sure your just looking at it wrong. if she is not giving you oral she should not have a problem with it. before she sees your penis though make sure she knows about the scar and it ha... (read in full...)

How can I really turn my BF on when we're making out?

Q.   is there any ways to really turn my boyfriend on while we're making out? i dont want anything that might lead to sex but other things (fingering, handjob, etc.) are fine. im normally on top and generally that gets him going but is there anything ...

A.   4 January 2009: Well you could try being more dominint, i love a girl who does that every now and then. Rustle your hands in his hair. if your comfortable enough take his hand while your making out and lead it to your boob let him hold it. that should do it... (read in full...)

He isn't excited to see me anymore! What should I do?

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a few months. We are currently living 280 miles apart and he isn't as excited to see me when I come to visit (I only get to visit once a month) it seems that our spark is starting to fade I want ...

A.   4 January 2009: Do somthing he would enjoy alot. Start being bubbly and ask him to be sweet and romantic again. if not that spend more time with him and try your best to please him, not phiscally.... (read in full...)

Are my fetishes normal?

Q.   I have a few fetishes and was wondering if any of them were not normal. 1)I am extremely attracted to redheaded females 2)I am turned on by pregnant women 3)I find older women more attractive than girls my own age. I'm also 18 and have tho...

A.   4 January 2009: Nothing is wrong with those every man has their own and there is nothing weird about it. Unless mail boxes with their flags up turn you on...... (read in full...)

He brought the NAUGHTY on me, RAN and did not look back !!!

Q.   Hello!!! This question is for the man, I guess. Well, for 2 years almost I have been recovering from a failed relationship that deeply broke my heart. In the middle, I've been on dates, but no sparks, therefore, no kisses, no nothing. Finally a ...

A.   4 January 2009: Sounds like he has not been with many women. Anyway I think you should make an attempt to contact him.... (read in full...)


Q.   Everyone thinks im becoming obsessed with my new boyfriend because i talk about him so much, i have known him for over 2 years and were best friends, this wasnt enough and we felt a love for each other so decided to become a couple, i talk about him ...

A.   4 January 2009: Just dont talk about him so much, its your reletionship not anyone elses. If he does not think you are being obsessive he is probably telling the truth. But if you get signs that indicate he does think you are then tone it down... (read in full...)

Questions about pubic hair....

Q.   How do women prefer their man's pubic hair?Completely shaved/Trimmed/Etc? Also why do men like a woman's pubic hair completely shaved? I haven't seen a Vagina or a girl naked in person,but I know I'd prefer for her to have some form of hair oth...

A.   4 January 2009: You can prefer anything you want sexually, and there is nothing wrong. Unless you are following the code of a religon. But you could lots of hair over none and does not make you wrong. so dont worry every guy has their own prefrences regarding ... (read in full...)

How do I get him to realize I like him?

Q.   i recently found out one of my best friends was dating a boy that i liked however he ended it and is now with his ex again i really like him and he said he liked me back but im to shy to ask him out what would be the best way to get him to realize ...

A.   3 January 2009: Find.out if he likes you. Then have your friend give him a hint you like him. Start talking a little bit, go to a party or somewhere out of school where you could meet him and he should make his move. if he is with someone you should consider ... (read in full...)

Small and no hair

Q.   Hi I am 13 and have a small penis and no hair down there what should I do to help me out...

A.   3 January 2009: For some boys puberty goes takes little time. For others puberty can last as long asd their 18! You will grow soon enough. for the record women are not crazy for hair on a mans pubic reigon anyhow... (read in full...)

My g/f said "you're tiny!"

Q.   Me and my girlfriend had recently progressed our relationship to taking off our clothes.But when I was gaping at her,she laughed at me. She said "Your tiny".I'm a virgin but she isn't. I measured myself and I am a little over 4.5 Inches. I have...

A.   3 January 2009: Google penis size by age,race, hair color, ethincy. All those can determine size, see if yours matches up... (read in full...)

Why do I suck?

Q.   Why do I suck? I can't seem to find anything positive about me. A microdick, no gf, no sex or love in my life, and OAB. Please help me rebuilt my confidence....

A.   3 January 2009: You must keep trying. Strive through life your hardest and do everything you can to make the best of it. you should email me or im me or text me or somthing. I really want to help you and it will be easier if i can do it with your full attention... (read in full...)

I keep getting teased because I suffer from OAB (Over Active Bladder).

Q.   I suffer from OAB (Over Active Bladder) and have done all my life - a urinal disorder which stimulates my bladder and causes the urge for release almost all the time. This, not only prevents me from having a decent life and a substantial amount of ...

A.   3 January 2009: I'm not to sure about this but next time someone makes fun of you fall to your knees(not literally) and tell them how much it hurts and how you have suffered your whole life. Meanwhile try to find someone who does not know about your problem.... (read in full...)

My boyfriend keeps spelling my name wrong and it's so embarrassing...

Q.   Hey everyone...! I have a problem, it might seem slightly small and silly, but in the long-term it could turn out to be a bigger problem lol I'm 16 and have been going out with my boyfriend for just over 2 months. The problem is that he used ...

A.   3 January 2009: Notify him he is doing it and make sure you seem like it's the first time you noticed. Also you will lessen embarrassment if you act like it's no big deal. Laugh about it a little.... (read in full...)

Am I in denial? Is he really gay?

Q.   I've been with this guy on and off for 9 months, the last I seen him was around the middle part October, the guy is strange to make a long story short which there is so much talk about. Today is my birthday. He called me to wish me a happy ...

A.   3 January 2009: Some men like their anus touched or licked. Thats all i can really conclude from this..... (read in full...)

Is it ok that I'm pissed off at her about this?

Q.   My gf and I have been going out for 5 months but lately weve become distant and Ive talked to her about breaking up but she desperatley wants to keep going with it. So a couple of days ago her mom dropped her off at my house to stay for about 12 ...

A.   3 January 2009: You need to tell her unless she can try harder ut wont work out. Also try being involved with her more if she does not pay direct attention to you. Like if she played with your little sis you should go play too. This will show her your fun to ne ... (read in full...)

How can I get him to lighten up and feel more comfortable during sex?

Q.   Been going out with my boyfriend for the last couple of months and we started sleeping together just before Christmas. Everything has been going fine but I'm finding my boyfriend is a bit reserved sexually. He doesn't want to try new things. It's ...

A.   3 January 2009: Let him be the dominant one a few times in sex. Make him knows he is doing a great job. Sometimes after this ask him if he wants to try something else. If you want him to use lube just say it hurts and you would be better off with it. If you want... (read in full...)

I feel so miserable all the time because I haven't been with anyone for going on 3 years now.

Q.   Please can someone point me in the right direction, I feel so miserable all the time because I haven't been with anyone for going on 3 years now. I'm on several social networking sites and people are always leaving comments about how I look but I'm ...

A.   3 January 2009: Next time you're with a guy make sure you don't give your body away until you know he wants more than a physical reletionship. Try some dating websites or town events. Your friends, if they were your friends would not joke about your beauty u... (read in full...)

She wants to move to second base but I get nervous!

Q.   Hey, im a 16 year old guy and me and my girlfriend want to move to 2nd base but i dont really know how to start it off, and on top of that i sometimes get nervouse around her even though we have been dating for 4 months. What can i do to get less ...

A.   3 January 2009: What do you want 2nd base to be? And what have you two done so far?... (read in full...)

I don't want to have sex now because it hurts!

Q.   this is slightly embarasing to ask but i really dont know whats wrong with me... me and my bf have been having sex quite regularly and it never used to hurt, but the past two times it was extremely painful, not because i was tensed up or i wasnt we...

A.   3 January 2009: Wait a week before you have sex again. Then see if you still have the problem. There is also diffrent sex positions you coulg try that would keep his penis away from the sore area of your vagina. ... (read in full...)

He's a friend did I ruin our friendship by telling him to back off?

Q.   hi... i am a 12 year old gurl... I have a bf who i am REALLY in luv with { i posted a question about him not to long ago} anyway, i also have this friend, he is deeply in luv with me and is always trying to interfere with my relationship. Recently I ...

A.   3 January 2009: Make sure you tell him how much you love the guy your with. And how he is a good friend but you cant be friends if he tries to interfere like that.... (read in full...)

Question for guys

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been dating for six months. I would be lying if I said I wasn't in love with him. I get scared cause I think he will leave me all the time. I want to talk to him about my fears, but guys hate girl stuff and emotion and ...

A.   3 January 2009: I dont like the sound of this reletionship really. I love my girlfriend so much, i dont mind hearing about her emotional stuff. What you should do is test him, see if he wants it to be a more phiscal reletionship. If so i would leave him.... (read in full...)

Six months and I'm still not over him

Q.   First note; Usually when I ask about my problem online, I tend to lie about my age (I am 16), making myself older. Why? When I am truthful about it, it seems that my experience or feelings are invalid, that I'm too young, or something of that ...

A.   3 January 2009: You should try dating other guys and find somone better hopefully to get your mind off him. But you should really make sure you guys are done for ever and if he has a new girlfriend.... (read in full...)

Ok to cum inside doing anal?

Q.   Hi friends, I have very nice experience with my GF ,I just tried anal with my GF it was going good I always released outside but last time when I has I was not able to take it out I don’t y? can any one tell is there any problem if I cummed insi...

A.   3 January 2009: Its impossible because the rectum leads into your digestive system not where you make babbies :)... (read in full...)

How do I move our relationship to second base, without going too fast?

Q.   Ok me and my girlfriend want to move our relationship to second base but she wants me to be the one who moves us, what do i do to help me move us there, i never did anything passed 1st base befor, i know what second base is and everything, i just ...

A.   3 January 2009: What do you want second base to be? What have you done so far?... (read in full...)


Q.   ive been with my boyfriend for a year now. im just about to grad highschool...and i was preg back in nov but i lost my baby. we're both happy, but now i really feel like it was my fault that i lost the baby. because i had told a friend and he didnt ...

A.   3 January 2009: If you have plans for college or somthing after you grad a baby is not somthing you should consider. If not you should really reccomend some college or somthing its better than nothing. But if you just want to have the baby then do it. But here is ... (read in full...)

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