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Why did he tell everyone that he broke up with me when it was me who ended things?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Friends, Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 April 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 29 April 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *ebeccaa writes:


So bacicly ive just been out with a boy, he kept asking me one day at school. Recently in the easter holidays i saw him we went out me him my bestfriend and her boyfrined the first day he was fine but all others he messed me around had me and my friend looking everywhere for him and told us to meet us in sevral different places when acctually he was at home! I didnt break up with him after this but alot of people have said i should have ended it there, but i didnt want to.

He acts verry verry different in front of his friends, i know for alot of boys that can be normal but he wouldnt even hug me or speak to me or anything when ceartain friends were about! If you ask me thats not noraml.

Anyway i didnt see him for a while after he had messed us around i didnt want to be messed around anymore, however i did miss him so my other guy friends (who is also friends with him) said he would come with me to his house thats if he would answer the door, he did. One of his friends was their he opened the door and persuaded him to come talk to me but when we were acctually out going to meet other people he wouldnt talk to me he just tret me like a total stranger who was just with him. After some encouragment from my friends and more of his werid behaviour i decided it would be best to break up with him, as much as i didnt want to.

So i curled in my friends arms trying not to cry and trying not to let his see me cry but he knew i was upset.

I didnt see him untill i got back to school (today) but when i did loads of different people had said he had told them he had broke up with me, and also a few people said he kissed a girl (who i used to be close to) at the park the day after i broke up with him, other people were saying he had kissed her while he was with me, when i found out i didnt want people to think i was bothered so i just said oh well if he did then its a good job i ended it when i did ( to be quite honest i wasnt that bothered even tho it didnt play on my mind abit, what bothered me more is the fact he had said he broke up with me).

I even told him before i broke up with him, all he had to do was treat me with respect, but it was too hard for him.

I dont no what to do and the best way to handle this?

Why would he lie? Why did he act like that around his friends but yet he was nice when his friends wern't their? What should i think about thease rumors?

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A female reader, Rebeccaa United Kingdom +, writes (29 April 2011):

Rebeccaa is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Rebeccaa agony auntHe is 16, and the rumor was that he kissed this girl who i used to be close to the day after we broke up their was also another one that he kissed this other girl while we were together, but she came to me and told me that it wasn't ture.

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A male reader, Philips United Kingdom +, writes (28 April 2011):

Philips agony auntIMAGE.

Social image.

He is not a jerk but at such a young age friends are more important than a relationship. He is just trying to hide his feelings. Normally at that age, an emotional guy is sassy, it looks gay. With a little maturity he'll be able to channel his emotions in a more benefical form.

To answer your question.. He's been humilliated in front of you, when you dumped him. Its a hard blow to his pride. He doesn't want to be humilliated in public. So he inverses the role, so as to be in position of power. The power to erase a person from his life. Thats a way for him to get his pride back, and the other girl is just a rebound.

What should you think about these rumors...

You are actually experiencing what your ex would have felt had he not said anything. You are now the one viewed as not good enough to the point of getting dumped.

These rumours should not affect you in the first place, because you left him. For you it was the best choice.

Remember, rumours fade with time because it had no material basis. So just let time do his thing.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 April 2011):

he doesnt want to be seen as the bad guy so hes making it out to everyone that he broke up with you. and that he wasnt the jerk, you were. classic guy move. how old is he? because he sounds very very immature, and very naive. hes not ready for a relationship if he messes you around like that that much. get away from him. and find someone who will treat you with respect and the love you deserve :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 April 2011):

guys are jerks simple as that but in all honesty he's hurt about the break up and trying to make everyone think he's not hurt so that's why he lied and maybe he's also trying to get back at you for hurting him, he acts different in front of his friends well i don't know why but all guys do they try to impress there friends and uhm wait what was the rumor? sorry i didn't catch it

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