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We forgave each other for cheating but can we still make it?

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 July 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 3 July 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

i`ve been with my current girlfiend for over a year we are going through our roughest time yet she claims shes had sex behind my back a few weeks ago to make matters worse i slept with my ex lst yr she forgave me and i forgave her can we still be a loving couple. I want to get married but now i`m not so sure

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A female reader, DIE-romantic. United Kingdom +, writes (3 July 2007):

DIE-romantic. agony auntTo be honest, it doesnt seem right. To get married you must vow to stay faithful. And it looks like neither of you can stay faithful to each other. Although, if you can both REALLY forgive and forget and get ready to move towards the future then i dont see why not. You seem doubtful already. I wouldnt be thinking about marriage at this precise moment love, try to regain the trust that you had before both of you cheated first.

Look after yourself love. xxx

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A male reader, eddie Canada +, writes (3 July 2007):

eddie agony auntI wouldn't get married any time soon. Why did she cheat? It's only been a few weeks. Why did you cheat?

Take your time.


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A female reader, flower girl United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2007):

flower girl agony auntYes you can still be a loving couple after this but only if you can totally forgive and forget, and know that if you have future arguements it will not be thrown in each others faces, it is something that takes time to get over but if you really love each other you can get over it and move on and be very happy.

Take care.xx.

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A female reader, YummyMummy United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2007):

YummyMummy agony auntYou can still be a loving couple if you can FORGIVE, FORGET & TRUST each other.

The trust will be the biggest part but if you are both faithful from now on that can be gained in time. I would put the marrying thing off for now and see how things go. You can always get married later on


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