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Should I suggest that she display this artist rending of her and her ex together?

Tagged as: Dating, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 November 2015) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 November 2015)
A male United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

My fiancee has an artist rendering of her and her ex boyfriend from a trip that was important to her. It was her first time to go to the destination and the artist was on the street. A picture of it is on her Social Media. She knows I have seen it and we've talked about it some... She knows I am cool with it... it's part of her... her past. We are soulmates and I tell her she can talk about anything with me and we do. With that said, I feel since it is an artist rendering and not a picture,

My question is what would be wrong with me offering to say why don't you hang it in the spare room in our house with other pics of kids n grandkids? To me, this is different than a picture... it's special to her and it's special to me. She has no contact with ex boyfriend anymore due to him causing drama for us.

Right now she keeps it stored out of sight. I'm secure and I love her and have the "good jealousy" and not the bad jealousy... knowing my woman is desired by others makes me appreciate her more but certainly not a doormat lol.

View related questions: fiance, her ex, her past, jealous, soulmate

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 November 2015):

Why the hell would you want you wife and another mans picture hanging in your house?????

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (4 November 2015):

Honeypie agony auntLet her keep it stores out of sight. Because that is where SHE is comfortable having it.

She doesn't NEED to make a "shine" to this ONE lovely memory. I'm sure you will provide her with many more to come.

She put it out of sight because that is where it belongs. In the past.

Go to a studio and have some LOVELY new photographs taken, maybe find a place that have maybe either period costumes or something fun. MAKE it a fun experience for you to.

Pictures of the kids and grandkids are however super great to display!

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A male reader, Denizen United Kingdom +, writes (4 November 2015):

Denizen agony auntWhy don't you get an 'artist rendering' of you and her. You could hang that instead. It makes more sense. Why would you want her to live with ghosts of the past on view when she has you and the future?

The past is the past and she is prepared to accept that by keeping it out of sight. That is thoughtful and sensitive of her.

You are trying a bit too hard to be accommodating.

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