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It feels like our relationship has gone backwards not forwards!

Tagged as: Breaking up, Faded love, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 April 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 29 April 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *ecca_767 writes:

me and my partner (also my sons father and father to the child im presently carrying) have recently broke up, after a cupple of days we realised we wanted to be together but the problem is, is the fact he wants to saty in his own house and not our family home where we have been currently living together. this means spending less time together and i feel hes not bothered about this change. i also feel we r taking steps back in the relationship by doing this not forward. i dont understand y he wants this and i also dont know how to make him feel the same way i do!

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A male reader, bruce lee Nigeria +, writes (29 April 2010):

bruce lee agony aunt This sounds like an awkward situation. Many people in the world are a bit unreasonable (like your partner) and never feel the need to compromise.

Maybe you can ask him if he is willing to stay at the family home for 3 nights a week. If he won't agree to this, you might have to ask a Counsellor for advice.

It's a tough one. If you love him, you might have to accept some of his faults.

Good luck with it though. Does he ever tell you he loves you? I know that's a separate issue but if he doesn't, he might be a bit selfish and you should consider breaking up with him. If he does say this, he might be alright.

I'm just taking a few guesses here. It has to be your decision which way you jump.

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