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Is this flirting or just plain silliness??

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 October 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 16 October 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *eely-h writes:

today me and my freind were taliking bye the gate at high school (there is a football ground bye our school)somtimes the players drive past today they did and they rodomley waved and smield at me and my freind were they flirting or am i just being silly?

View related questions: flirt, player

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A female reader, sweetnsoursauce United States +, writes (16 October 2007):

sweetnsoursauce agony auntIt's just their way of a compliment. Don't think on it really, but guys are like that. They see a pretty girl while driving by and that's just how they react.

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A male reader, Tommy7 United States +, writes (15 October 2007):

Some of them must have liked what they saw. Enjoy the compliment. There's no more to it.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 October 2007):

I think it is certainly a bit of silliness. So just laugh it off and forget about it.

take care


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A male reader, dapone 1 United Kingdom +, writes (15 October 2007):

dapone 1 agony aunthi

I think you will find this is an event which happens every day of the week, a load of jolly lads go past two beautiful young lady and whistle or wave, do not take it to seriously, i will give you an example, twenty blokes working on a building site one woman walks past the site,they all stop work and start to wolf whistle, then another woman works past they do the same again, you should not be worried by this in fact it is a great compliment to your woman hood.

hope this helps

best wishes

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 October 2007):

no i think your just been silly i dont think there is nothing in it forget it

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