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I'm scared she is going to drink herself to death if I don't do anything...plz help me help her!!!!!

Tagged as: Family, Health<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 April 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 19 April 2010)
A female Nigeria age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i absolutely don't know what to do!

i have been living with my aunt for over 10 years since my mother works overseas.

i have recently noticed that she has been heavily drinking and it is getting worse day by day.

i've tried talking to her about this (when she's sober) but to be honest there is no point. she keeps on doing it, thinking that me and my sis don't know about it. she has been drunk in the presence of my friends which is really embarrassing and ever since that i don't let them come over.

i have tried taking her to the AA but she completely refuses to go! how can i help her if she refuses to go?

another thing is that she has problems with the language here (we live in Germany), so that makes it even harder to take her to AA sessions.

the reason why she always drinks is because of the pressure she gets from home, where her relatives are constantly demanding for money because they think that Germany is the land of flowing milk and honey!

and that really pisses me off because like many other countries Germany is also undergoing through economy crisis. and they think that everyone can pluck money from trees!!!

i've tried talking to them about this but they won't listen.

i'm really scared cuz i once found her in her room choking on her vomit!

i really don't know what to do...plz help me!

View related questions: drunk, money

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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2010):

AskEve agony auntIf she refuses to go to AA meetings then it may be because she doesn't think she has a problem. Only when she realises her drinking IS a problem then will she have a hope of remaining sober. If she doesn't want to go because of the language barrier then that is different. In the meantime, there is nothing to stop YOU going to an Al-anon meeting and talking to people in similar circumstances to yourself and THEY will point you in the right direction.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2010):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks Red Green 0289 for taking your time to read my post.

but how will i get her to go?

i told her that there are english speaking sessions but she refuses.

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A male reader, Red Green 0289 United States +, writes (18 April 2010):

you need to get to an Al-anon meeting as soon as possible. They can help you cope with this situation. There should be English speaking AA meetings in Germany. Here's a link:

If you can't find an Al-anon meeting, call the AA folks and ask them for assistance, as they will be MORE THAN HAPPY to help you!

As for your dead beat relatives, tell them you're unable to help them. Tell them there is no money and that things there are far worse then everyone believes. Send them newspaper clippings to read.

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