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I want to mess with both of these players...

Tagged as: The ex-factor, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 November 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 November 2007)
A female United States age , *renna writes:

Ok so things are really messed up right now and these two guys(ones an ex and the other is kind of a friends with benefits but not exactly) are trying to see which one i will fall for..the sad thing is my ex has a gf and the other guy is such a player..everyone said that i should just stay away from them and not fall for them..well i know that but it pisses me off how they use girls and i want to do something about it that kind of screws them both..i know that is mean but i really dont agree with what they are just not sure what i can do ...

View related questions: friend with benefits, my ex, player

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A female reader, pgissyd United Kingdom +, writes (26 November 2007):

pgissyd agony auntI agree with o'connor, You need to stay OUT of any sort of intamacy with these guys, they are playing you right now.

If you go trying to punish them, I guaruantee you are the one who will end up hurt. Just walk away un, they will get burned in there own time. Go find a decent guy instead ok xxxxxxxx

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A female reader, O Connor Ireland +, writes (25 November 2007):

O Connor agony auntif you do 'punish' either of them, you will be just lowering yourself to their level. stay away from them, make them see that they are not all they think they are! dont acknowledge them at all and they will see that they cant have any girl they want. the gf of the first guy, if she has any sense, will find out soon enough wat her man is really like. in the meantime, stay away from them and you wont get hurt.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (25 November 2007):

Danielepew agony auntI would suggest that you just stay away from them.

First, in "punishing" the first guy, you will hurt his girlfriend, and she doesn't deserve that. I would think she has enough with the sort of boyfriend she got herself.

Second, you don't know what you would be getting into. Perhaps you would end up screwed.

And third, but, most important, if playing is wrong, why would you play with them?

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