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I think he cheated with his 'cousin'

Tagged as: Cheating, Pregnancy, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 July 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 10 July 2007)
A female , anonymous writes:

Hi there,

I need some advice. I am 38 weeks pregnant and my husband and I have been married now for 5 months. On saturday night he went out to the local pub and got stupidly drunk. By 1am in the morning I was very angry and rang him. Gave him an ear full and told him he should be at home looking after me. He told me he would leave now and walk home, that he would be home in 20 minutes. Then at almost 2am, I recieved a text from him sayig he had walked "donna" home and would be home in half an hour. I got soooooo angry and told him not to bother. So 3am came and went and he rang me and told me he had walked back to "Donnas" house and was staying there. Now donna is his "cousin" or so he has always called her. I asked his mther on Sunday what the relationship was and she told me they were not related by blood. I dont know what to think. Need some help. xxxxxxxxx

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A female reader, love-him United Kingdom +, writes (10 July 2007):

love-him agony auntHe needs to rise up to his responsibilieties of lookin after you, his pregnant wife!! You need to talk to him, and ask him to not stay out that much over night etc.. you need to talk to him, and ask him straight out, are you cheating, it is up to you to believe him or not.. mail me if you want to talk x x

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 July 2007):

Hey, i can't tell whether your husband has cheated, the only people who know this is your husband and Donna, talk to your husband and ask him if anything happend, if he denies it then ask why he was with her? and why he said they where cousons? if you still don't trust him then i think you should move on because you should be able to trust somebody that you love not be in fear that they are going to cheat.

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A female reader, BEEN THERE DONE IT United Kingdom +, writes (10 July 2007):

BEEN THERE DONE IT agony auntHi there honey,

I don't blame you getting angry he is your husband and you are 38 weeks preganant, you need to tell your husband that you don't mind him going out but your not going to tollerate this kind of behaviour he has a resposabilty here to you and your unborn child...

Donna is not his blood cousin and therefore he has no responsibility to look after her...

Does he go out a lot drinking because this will be hard on you when your baby arrives I suggest you sit him down and tell him how all of this is hurting you, I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot he would not want you walking home and staying at another mans house would he???

Tell him how its making you feel babes I m sure he will see what he has done and hopefully it will never happen agian but if it continues thats up to you as to whether you can live like this...

I wish you all the best and I hope things goe well for you and the little one

All my love

Donna xx

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