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I really like this guy so how do I get his attention?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 May 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 May 2007)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

how do i get my crushes attention? he already knos i like him and i catch him starring at me and smiling but what am i supposed to do am i supposed to just play it cool or talk to him and if i am supposed to talk to him what should i say i mean i've never talked to him b4 i really like him and his friends with all the same people as me but somehow we've never met so he must have an amazing personality i just dunno what to do someone plz help?!?!?!

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A male reader, nologo Ukraine +, writes (20 May 2007):

nologo agony auntBringing this all down to the type of guy he is.

You think "he must have an amazing personality".

Normally when you have a crush on someone, you are thinking about that person nearly all the time.

And this thinking doesn't stop until you cool down a bit to start DOING something instead of waiting.

"he already knos i like him and i catch him starring at me and smiling but what am i supposed to do"

You are supposed to do the same things that he is doing so to make it "we have something in common".

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A female reader, mcbirdie United Kingdom +, writes (20 May 2007):

mcbirdie agony auntI think I may be missing something does he know you like him if you've never met? And more importantly, how do you know you like him?

Regardless, my advice would be the same. Start talking to him. Bring up something casual that you have in common--ask about one of your friends, or discuss a movie he just doesn't have to be a big deal, just get the first conversation out of the way. Start as friends and work your way up from there.

And no, I wouldn't worry too much about playing it cool or chasing...if he knows you like him, he can make a move to reciprocate. Until then, be friendly.

Best of luck.

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