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How to get rid of these zits on my face in matter of days?

Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 August 2008) 8 Answers - (Newest, 27 August 2008)
A female United States age 26-29, *otsofgiggles123 writes:

well heres my problem i have all of these zits on my face

and i want to get rid of them any ways for me to get rid of them like in at least 2 ta 3 days cuz school coming up soon and i dont wanna look like this so any ideas

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A female reader, Ah-ha United Kingdom +, writes (27 August 2008):

Dalacin is a topical solution that I find works really well at eliminating spots, not major acne, just the odd spot here and there. It's available on prescription the UK, probably has a different brand name in the US but try it if you get the chance.

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A female reader, :):):) United Kingdom +, writes (26 August 2008):

Tea tree oil is made to speciafically not clog pores up. Ot should be available at any chemist or supermarket etc if not try online.

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A female reader, lotsofgiggles123 United States +, writes (26 August 2008):

lotsofgiggles123 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

lotsofgiggles123 agony auntwell i heard tea tree oil clogs pores but they have it gel based so it does not cog your pores up but where da heck am i gonna get tea tree oil

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A female reader, :):):) United Kingdom +, writes (26 August 2008):

Exfoliate, drink lots of water, tea tree oil, 'quinoderm' are all good quick ways. Toothpaste bizzarly is also meant to be good, just put a little bit on before you go to bed.

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A female reader, dearkelja United States +, writes (26 August 2008):

dearkelja agony auntUse an exfoliate and gentle cleaner 2 times per day and then spend some time in the sunshine. Make sure you use a good moisturizer, but not an oil based product and lastly....drink lots and lots of water.

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A female reader, kylie. United States +, writes (26 August 2008):

kylie. agony auntTry Pro-Active And Facial Cleansers. Not Sure To Work but it could really help!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 August 2008):

Well im not saying that they are going to magically disapear but neutrogena acne stress control power-wash clean has worked wonders for my even helps to prevent pimples that may occur if you are stressed out and after you wash your face it just feels so fresh and really skin took about a week and a half to clear up even my red marks..but you must wash morning and night...and when you wash your face really rub it in and make sure that you are cleaning it really rubbing it in for at least 30 to 45 seconds...especially with the results you want.

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A female reader, VMLBabyDoll United States +, writes (26 August 2008):

I dont think i can be of any help...but its part of puberty hun, im 13 and get i get them too. Maybe some one else can give you much more advise.

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