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Help me please - I haven't heard from him since yesterday! I'm so worried!

Tagged as: Long distance, Online dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 July 2009) 11 Answers - (Newest, 3 July 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:


I am currently in a long distace relationship with a guy in florida..

We have never met,

Anyway yesterday he was at the theme park .. and he sent me a message saying

"hey i can't text much but i am going home very soon and i will call you" and i sent one back saying "okay" that was yesterday at 11.00am I HAVE NOT HEARD FROM HIM SINCE i have his facebook and i left him alot of messages now if he was to of lost his cell he would of logged on last night and messaged me, i have a feeling that he is dead i don't want to think about that though, but i cannot see any other reason why he would just not call or text me back orleave me a message.

I need help idk what to do i can't sit here any longer waiting and worrying

if you have any advice please tell me

View related questions: facebook, text

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (3 July 2009):

not to sound stupid...but have you phoned him since? Maybe that would clear things up as to what happened to him

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A female reader, Heartbroken-xx Canada +, writes (2 July 2009):

He's not dead - calm down. If he was died, you probably would of seen it on the news, or somebody would of wrote something on his facebook wall with the bad news.

I know how it feels, I am in a relationship and I cannot go a day without seeing my boyfriend. I can for like a limited eight hours and then I start to miss him. It's hard but I know that he needs his space and I need mine.

There is our life, and then there is his life and then theres mine.

Don't worry so much - it only causes heartache and pain.

I know how it feels to constantly worry but my boyfriend always ends up being okay and then I feel silly.

Good luck


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A female reader, Legioness United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2009):

Legioness agony auntTo the porter, you've had some pretty good advice here and I can't say that I can add to it, but.. To anon who thinks you can't be in a relationship when you haven't met- it's easy to be in a relationship when you haven't met someone, that's how most online relationships start, huh? Me and my now ex, were technically together 2 months before we arranged a meet, it's all in the communication, right? Things take off after a while, you can't help it if you fall for someones mannerisms or personality if you haven't even met them, trust :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Yes love is a strong word and that is why i can use it,

i never ever agreed with long distance relationship i thought they were just silly but i proved myself wrong.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2009):

How can you be in a "relationship" when you haven't met him?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2009):

Love is a strong word, you havent even met him yet. I would never say I loved anyone again esp after my ex when i was with him for nearly a year although not meeting them. You should not get that hooked over a boy when you havent even met him, you are just hurting yourself. I know from experience, i will never be that hooked on any boy ever again because you will just get hurt much more than you should. Enjoy your life and stop stressing over a boy when he is probably not stressing over you.

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A female reader, Lovely Sweet Laura Canada +, writes (2 July 2009):

Lovely Sweet Laura agony auntSince you care it is understandable that you are worried. I feel the same way when I haven't heard from my boyfriend and he is out later than he had said he would be. Chances are that there is a reasonable explanation on his part as to why he wasn't able to contact you when he had said he would. You won't know for sure until you hear from him and have the opportunity to ask him. There is no point in getting yourself overly worked up-I know it is difficult-but it will serve you no justice in the end. In fact you may upset yourself so much that you cause a strain on the relationship when you discover he is fine and his reason for not contacting you may be a big let down. Be practical-there is a chance something is wrong but it is more likely that something small prevented him from getting in touch. Be patient and try to keep busy doing other things for the time being. I'm sure it will all be fine in the end. Best of Luck!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

But i care about him and love him

if the situation was flipped round he would be doing the same

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A female reader, TheAgonyAunt United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2009):

TheAgonyAunt agony auntTake a deep breath, relax.

Your just jumping to conclusions. I felt like this quite a few times about my boyfriend. He said he was coming over and he didn't come for ages and his phone went straight to voicemail but I found out later that he missed the bus and his phone had no signal on the way there. Most commonly his phone may have ran out of battery, lost it on a ride etc..

So DONT worry okay? :)

Try and keep yourself busy and be patient, he's probably fine.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 July 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

well i have to say if it was the other way round and i wasn't texting him he would be doing the exactly same thing... he's not just some like guy we are inlove! and wen you really care about someone you worry

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A female reader, Vickett0410 United Kingdom +, writes (2 July 2009):

Vickett0410 agony auntcalm down hun, it's only a night. Maybe he's just busy or something? Give it a day or two. i'm sure he's fine.

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