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Having trouble understanding the whole ovulation process.

Tagged as: Dating, Pregnancy, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 August 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 12 August 2007)
A female United States age 30-35, *tscourtneyosnap writes:

Hi, im courtney me and my boyfriend are trying to get pregant and we think i might already be but we are not sure so i took a test at the clinic and it came up negative but the doctor said it would be to soon to tell and now i just started bleeding a little bit and its around my period time and i dont know if its my period or not if it is then can i get pregnant during my period or the day i end when will be the best time becuase im having troble with the ovulation thing and its jus simply anoing

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 August 2007):

Have you lost your mind!!!!!!!!! You are WAY TO YOUNG to be getting pregnant! If you can't understand the ovulation process, how in the world do you think you'll ever be able to handle having a child and teaching them how to grow up to be a responsible adult. Oh wait, you can't because you aren't an adult yet! Please, Please wait until you are at least in your 20s before having a child! Ovulation isn't rocket science. There is a book out there called "Taking Charge of your Fertility." It spells out the ovulation process very clearly. But please, wait!!! There are more than enough disadvantaged children out there being raised by teenagers who think they know everything (but don't). Please don't bring another disadvantaged child into this world! Think about the baby, not yourself!!!!

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A female reader, YummyMummy United Kingdom +, writes (12 August 2007):

YummyMummy agony auntCan I ask why you and your boyfriend want a baby so young? Don't you want to "grow up" first as you are both just kids yourselves. Sex at your age is illegal.

You can have you period while pregnant. I had two right at the start. I would go back and get tested a few days after you finish bleeding.


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A female reader, Reebe United Kingdom +, writes (11 August 2007):

Reebe agony auntWhy on earth are you trying to get pregnant?!

Not only should you not be having sex, you definalty should not be trying for a baby you are not mature enough emotionally or physically.

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A female reader, sweeite United Kingdom +, writes (11 August 2007):

hi im no expert but i would wait unrill its been two weeks from you aint seen your period as it will tell. about being pregant while on ur perido that can happen.

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