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Teenage gossip politics all directed at me

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 May 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 May 2009)
A female Ireland age 30-35, anonymous writes:

about two months ago, one of my friends had given me one of her friends (*Paula*) facebook password-

i wasnt sure why, but i never checked her facebook because i was never that interested in what she did on it.

however, having said that- i went on yesterday because i was bored/ curious and there are tonnes of private messages between my friend, the girl's facebook and another girl (*Jane*). these messages were basically gossip about what each of them got up to, but there was a lot of mean comments directed at me.

i feel angry that Paula and Jane have judged me, when they really know nothing about me. Paula had been mean to me because I am romantically involved with a boy and now I find out that she wants him too! I am angry because this boy and I get on really well and I would feel uncomfortable if I left them two alone because of her intentions to steal him. I want some sort of revenge on her because she has been bitchy, rude and childlike toward me especially when I thought we were friends. She has called me a slag, desperate and in general undeserving of the attentions of this boy- which I (obviously) feel is unjustified esepcially since we are now kind of seeing each other.

But I don't want to put my friend who gave me the password in a position between me and Paula because she is good friends with both of us and I don't really believe in revenge anyway- but I am so pissed off!!!

What do you make of it? What do you think I should do?thanksxx

View related questions: facebook, revenge

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A female reader, ilovebowsandcherries United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

ilovebowsandcherries agony auntaw hun ignore her seriously she's just being b*tchy because you got the guy that she wants.

just leave it for now i mean just carry on as normal with your friend whom gave you the password at least she is looking out for you and continue making things further more with your boyfriend just show her you don't care about her oppinion.

she's obviously not a true friend if she bitches about you like that if she was ANY kind of friend she'd leave you be and be happy for you and let you enjoy your life with him.

typical teenage behavior though.

i've been there as well hun!

it'll be better you just carry on with your life :) she's not worth your time.

hope this helps.


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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

aphexinfinite agony auntfocus more on your good friend and your bf. she is just jealous of you and wants what you have do not lower yourself to her level this will only make you just like her and people will perhaps see this and not want to be friends with you so let her be a b*tch and dont lower your own standards be the better person and pitty her. good luck aphex xx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 May 2009):

I think it's awful that you snooped and looked at private information that wasn't any of your business. What an invasion of privacy! I think you should do nothing and in the future, keep your nose out of other peoples accounts. Wow, you were "bored" so you just thought you would go read someone else's very personal info? Shame on you.

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A female reader, baybee-x-sparkii United Kingdom +, writes (28 May 2009):

baybee-x-sparkii agony auntI think you should see how things go with this boy more than anything. High school kids get bitchy, in x amount of years (how many years you've got left) you will probably never see them again. They are not worth your time. Try and keep the original friend though :)

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