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Can I be friends with a girl who is older than I am?

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Question - (3 March 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 4 March 2010)
A male Nigeria age 36-40, *eraciousone writes:

He cupid, i want to ask some question here. i met a girl on the internet. we shares pictures to each other and also share mobile number. she have a good work and i have a good work too. she was born in 1985 and i was born in 1987. now we are planning to see each other. am really want to be with her but our age is not the same.when we are discussing on the phone. she asked me a question that can you allow a girl to come and live with me for the main time before getting marry to each other. i told her no because people that want to get marry very soon or something like that not suppose to sleep in the same roof unless they get marry. what i will accept is only visit but for us to sleep in the same roof before we get marry is not accepted. we are planning to see each other,should i see her or just forget it, but am really want her. my question is, is it possible to friend a girl who is older than you.

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A female reader, Ich_liebe_dich Philippines +, writes (4 March 2010):

Ich_liebe_dich agony auntWhat is the problem if the woman is a bit or a lots older than the man?

What is the diffirence between Man is the older than the Woman?

I dont see the diffirence with this. As long both of you understand each other, can get along with each other then have fun.... Go for it.. Age never been the matters at all when it comes of everything.... have a great day...

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A female reader, kittykhaos United Kingdom +, writes (4 March 2010):

kittykhaos agony auntim 4 years older than my boyfriend go for it

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A male reader, kevin3007 United States +, writes (3 March 2010):

kevin3007 agony auntof course you can be a friend with some one who's older than you well maybe my story is deffrent than yours but just to make it clear for you iam 16 and i am a best friend with my neighbor he's 25 we share stuff i am learning from him "the facts of life" like he says but the point is you can do it cause freindship is all about what we have inside our heart not the age!! it doesn't matter so have fun and enjoy it .......good luck.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (3 March 2010):

Yes you can. Have fun.

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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (3 March 2010):

aphexinfinite agony auntyes you can be with all ages as long as its legal ie over the age of 16. you have your beliefs that you cannot live with someone until you marry that is your choice and if you are happy with that then she should accept your wishes. if you like this women then meet with her. but becareful of internet relationships i have known them to work and for them to go wrong .. so be careful and i hope it goes well aphex xx

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A female reader, BettyBoup United Kingdom +, writes (3 March 2010):

BettyBoup agony auntYes it is absolutely possible. She is only 2 years older, that's not much at all. Go for it!

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