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Am I being played for a fool? Should I even talk to her?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 January 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 January 2008)
A male United States age 36-40, *ycZem writes:

Ok. I was with this girl for 2years. We broke up in August of 2007. We had an on going relationship, even having sex until October. Around mid November i cut it off, and didn't speak to her again until a bit before New years. Since we broke up we have both had multiple sex partners, only her partners were more of drunken one nighters while mine were a bit more civilized. I also recently found out she was shared by two guys once. We talk almost everyday now, but we fight constantly about bullshit, yet can talk the next day like nothing happened. Should i drop this skank, or continue to befriend here. She also still says shit like she misses me etc.

View related questions: broke up, drunk

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A male reader, leonard j. Douglas  +, writes (30 January 2008):

Hey! You got all feminine view points,but they're all right on .So keep right on playing the fool.

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A male reader, GrimmReality United States +, writes (30 January 2008):

GrimmReality agony auntI have to agree with both Kitten and Waterloo here. You answered your own question. By referring to her as a "skank" it is obvious that you have some trust issues with her, as I'm sure she has with you. Best for both of you to let the sun set on this "relationship".

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 January 2008):

Which one of you has screwed up brains here?? Er um, not sure. You can see exactly what she is like and yet you post this question, why???? It is plain to see that she is playing you as a fool, so wise up and get rid before you get a major disease.

take care


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A female reader, hlskitten United Kingdom +, writes (30 January 2008):

hlskitten agony auntShe misses you so much that she jumps into bed with anything? Hmmm, maybe shes so screwed up about the split, shes been seeking reassurance elsewhere, or maybe shes not really mature enough yet for a full on r.ship? I dont think either of you are. Seems a bit quick to sleep with others after splitting, be it casual or civilised.

I would let it go, sleep around to your hearts content til you know you have met someone that makes you want to stop that pointless act.

C xxxxx

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