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Afraid to tell him that I'm into him again

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 May 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 27 May 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I'm really getting upset about this. I really really dig this guy. Were pretty decent friends. Ice liked him for about 7 months, but only this much for 3 months at the begining and 2 months now. In between we weren't really talking a lot so it faded. At the begining about a month and a half in I told him I was into him, he concidered it for a day or 2 the decided that there was no point if he wasn't really into me. In the past month or 2 we've started talking a lot again. He asked me to a movie.. Although I'm not sure if it was with intentions or not, and we text each other during class which we never did before. And he's just a lot more friendly then he was before. But sometimes he's a total weiner! Sometimes he ignores me or doesn't say much on msn, or is really unenthusiastic when I wave to him in the halls casually. I'm afraid to tell him I'm into him again because I don't want to make things weird. So I really don't know what to do.

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A female reader, Love_is_all_youu_need United Kingdom +, writes (27 May 2009):

Love_is_all_youu_need agony auntThis is similar to my situation; I told my friend i liked him within a month of getting to know him, I was also drunk so it didnt come out as i intended. Things between us are the same really, but he's become very nervous around me. It's amazing what a change you see in them, especially with how much closer you are to the guy you really like.

Enough of the babbling on. Here's my answer to your question; DO NOT TELL HIM AGAIN. He already knows how you feel, so there's no point in bringing it up again and causing further tension between you both. Plus you would also be putting him on the spot, so you might not get the response you're hoping for; he may even get annoyed by this second declaration of your feelings and have a go at you and blunty tell you he isn't interested (not saying that he isnt, but he might just say that with anger!) it also makes you look desperate by telling him again, and he may see it as betrayal; as whilst being a good friend to you, it appears that all you've been interested in is getting off with him; so there's the possibility it may put an end to your friendship or he may drift from you intentionally.

Here is what you should do; Keep on being his friend, get even closer to him, let him inside your mind; tell him everything there is to know about you. Then he'll do the same; it'll prove that you can trust one another which is a good base to a relationship. The idea of this is to let the friendship build naturally to a very close bond. Invite him to parties, go places with him - but do this gradually like don't jump straight into the deep end and start asking him out to all these places and pestering him to hang with you. Play it cool! Perhaps when the friendship goes to the next level and you feel very comfortable with each other, you could flirt with him subtly. Such as longer eye contact, touching his arm, etc. If you wanna get it right, then you need to commit yourself to this time-consuming process... but it should be worth it in the end.

And the good thing is, if it doesn't work out in the future, then at least you have yourself a very good friend who you can always turn to :)

Hope i've helped :)

Good luck xxxx

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