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31 and never been kissed!

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 August 2010) 7 Answers - (Newest, 21 August 2010)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, *ifeofmisery writes:

Dear Cupid,

I have a big problem. I'm 31 years old and male and have never had a girlfriend. I never even been on a date with a girl. I really like girls but am very unlucky not to have met someone. I haven't even ever kissed a girl before. I don't want to be alone forever. Can you help me, please?



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A male reader, mb129 United States +, writes (21 August 2010):

I was in your shoes at one point. The best thing to do is just get over the milestone. I didn't have my first kiss until I was 27, but even though I only dated that girl for a couple of months it really helped my confidence. So at this point even if she isn't perfect (if it's perfect you're holding out for) just ask lots of girls out. Join online dating groups, where there is no leap to make about whether she wants to go out with you...

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (20 August 2010):

I'm older than you and still a virgin male.

I could care less what people think. You should not feel lonely; the women messing around are the lonely ones. They are doomed to never find whatever they are looking for in life. To most of them, sex is a pastime and you would be as special as their next one-night stand.

Find a marriageable woman and make sure you mention at some time that you are a virgin: if she's smart, she'll love the fact that no woman had you before.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 August 2010):

I hope you love yourself inside and out, usually when you start to find yourself attractive others take notice and follow. the more friends you have the higher the chance you have of going out in good spirits and meeting women.

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A female reader, zebralove Canada +, writes (20 August 2010):

zebralove agony auntLower your standards.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (20 August 2010):

eyeswideopen agony auntDo you go out with friends? Are you affiiated with any groups? Do you do any volunteer work? In other words, are you out there meeting people?

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A female reader, GSDfan Australia +, writes (20 August 2010):

GSDfan agony auntPerhaps joining a singles club or going out to have drinks with your mates to a pub? anything to get you in a social situation where you have a chance to talk to and get to know some women might help you out a bit?

Good luck :)

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A male reader, BrownWolf Canada +, writes (20 August 2010):

BrownWolf agony aunt

No one is lucky or unlucky...It's what you do with your life that brings what we call good or bad luck.

What do you do to meet women? Are you active? Do you go out to clubs? Are you shy?

Being with a woman is like a job...If you don't get up and go to your job, you will get fired (called being dumped). If you are not actively looking for a job, you won't get one.

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