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Would you prefer a real rose or a fake one?

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Question - (4 February 2010) 15 Answers - (Newest, 5 February 2010)
A male age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Valentines help! I've been with a girl for a couple of weeks and have planned to take her out for a meal on valentines.

I just wondered though, I'm planning on giving her a single red rose, but wanted to know on whether that rose should be real or fake? I'm freaking out it, I want it to be perfect. Please help! Thanks!

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A male reader, Fatherly Advice United States +, writes (5 February 2010):

Fatherly Advice agony auntMal,

You are right, I don't know why I didn't see that "couple of weeks", I looked twice.

Now the next important question. Valentines is Sunday so delivery is going to be Saturday in many places. So have them delivered early? or deliver them yourself? I'm in a stable Long term marriage BTW.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 February 2010):

he's only been dating her a couple of weeks...i think one is perfect. i really dont (at least i hope)think he's gonna propose yet. lol mal

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (5 February 2010):

Honeypie agony auntIf you are going to give her a single rose it should be REAL.

However, I like the idea Fatherly Advice suggested that you call her mom and ask her what color she likes best in roses. She might love white, pink, yellow better:)

Real Fake any time.

(alternative is that you look into the meaning of the color and type of flower - print it out and add it to the flower :) Very romantic.

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A female reader, Brooklyngirl United States +, writes (4 February 2010):

Brooklyngirl agony auntAbsolutely, Positively...Real!

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A male reader, Fatherly Advice United States +, writes (4 February 2010):

Fatherly Advice agony auntI suppose at 18 to 20, and in a young relationship you can get away with a single rose on valentines. If you have been dating her for a year you should know more about her flower preference. A single Red rose is the default, what you get if you don't know better. A Dozen Red roses is what you get if you don't know better and you want to impress her with your ability to throw money around.

If you are in a young relationship, and you really want to impress her, call her mother and ask her what rose color she prefers. Then go to a good florist that you can afford. Buy a half dozen and have them arranged in a nice vase. Get them delivered before you will show up for the date. I guarantee good results.

Am I wrong ladies?


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A female reader, visione United States +, writes (4 February 2010):

visione agony auntReal of course. Unless it's a very good quality fake one (don't forget to spritz with perfume). Actually now that I think about it, either would be good!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 February 2010):

buy 11 real 1 fake. say i'll love you till every rose dies. if u haven't popped the question yetand u want to this is a good way if she likes romantic things like this.

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A female reader, MistressNataliee United Kingdom +, writes (4 February 2010):

11 real and 1 fake because it will last as long as your love (forever)

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A female reader, curious0hot United States +, writes (4 February 2010):

curious0hot agony auntIt should be real!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 February 2010):

Ohmigosh, who suggested fake to you??? Never fake, it has to be real... Dont take this other persons advice again, ladies do not fall for fake things!! That would be like giving her a ring with a glass-piece instead of a real diamond.

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A female reader, sarcy24 United Kingdom +, writes (4 February 2010):

sarcy24 agony auntReal, lovely Valentines Day, perfect in every way. Have fun!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 February 2010):

dont even have to stop and think...real. and dinner and a single rose sounds like a lovely idea darlin', mal

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A female reader, ShonaB United Kingdom +, writes (4 February 2010):

ShonaB agony auntReal and stop worrying about being perfect - the fact you cared enough to make an effort will make her smile!

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A female reader, Lyra Anna Croatia +, writes (4 February 2010):

Lyra Anna agony auntReal definitly. You can not mistake with real flower. Ever. Remember that, have a fun on Valentine`s ;)

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A female reader, old-spinstah United Kingdom +, writes (4 February 2010):

REAL! Definitely. She can always dry or press it it if she wants to keep it.

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