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Why does he say such mean things to me?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 September 2007) 5 Answers - (Newest, 1 December 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *weeite writes:

Hi, there evryone, i was wounding if anybody could tell me why my boyfriend thinks it ok to call me stupid and tell me to shut up all i have to do is say something like why dont you cuddle me anymore and he will tell me to shut up. i get very upset. the thing is i know that he loves me but y does he say them nasty thinkgs to me????

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 December 2007):

Thats not love if he really and truly loved you he would respect you and not talk to in such a manner. You have to love yourself enough to see your selfworth and the way you should be treated and believe that you deserve better.Whats wrong with everyone mistaking that behavior for love? Get over it and move on there is someone out there that will treat you better and with respect.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 September 2007):


The simple fact that he called you "stupid" means that he doesn't respect you. Is this a serious relationship? How dare he?! Never let anyone put you down and offend you!

Nowdays, it seems to be normal to call someone and idiot, moron or stupid, but really think about it, it's common sense! How could a man that insults you really love you?! There are many women who put up with this, and it's not right.

Don't put up with it! Find someone who will really want to be with you, that you will feel comforable with and that RESPECTS you, whichs is the foundation for every good relationship, if there's no respect and trust, then it's not worth it.

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A female reader, JessIzFit United Kingdom +, writes (4 September 2007):

JessIzFit agony auntI would leave him, he doesn't sound very nice. The other agony aunts hit the nail on the head. He isn't worth it.It doesn't sound like true love !

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A male reader, Jamer70 United Kingdom +, writes (4 September 2007):

Jamer70 agony auntwell im sorry to say but a partner who is abusive whether it be verbal or pysical doesnt love you as this is not true love.

He says these things because simply he is an a**, and doesnt dserve a girlfriend at all.

Im sorry but to live happily you should dump him asap.

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A female reader, faith scott boreanaz United Kingdom +, writes (4 September 2007):

 faith scott boreanaz agony auntI had a guy like this, he used to abuse me and i loved him as i think you love yours but heres my advice, dump him. its hard but do you really want to spend your life with someone who doesnt cuddle you any more??? its best to get out of this relationship before he does somthing to really hurt you as you've already tried talking to him about it i dont think theres much hope left. sorry. there'll be other guys better than him out there for you i promise.

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