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Why does he always seem so shy and uncomfortable when I talk to him?

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Question - (26 November 2009) 5 Answers - (Newest, 28 November 2009)
A female Canada, anonymous writes:

There is a guy I have always liked. He is one of the nicest people I know and I am pretty nice myself. He currently has a girlfriend and I respect him, her and their relationship enough though to keep my distance. I do not flirt with him and if anything kind of keep my distance from him. The issue is this. I try to talk to both of them, include them both in converstionan as I like them both. He gets really uncomfortable, looks shy, looks around and she seems possessive and uneasy when I am around. Why is he acting like this? Not a huge deal as there are plenty of fish in the sea but would like to have good rapport with them both.

View related questions: flirt, has a girlfriend, shy

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 November 2009):

I'm in same situation, except the guy i like doesn't have a girlfriend. It's so tense when we're together, he comes across as shy and seems lost for words, yet he is probably the most socialble guy i know! I told him over a year ago that i liked him... he didn't reciprocate at the time. But now i'm unsure! I like 'CaringGuy's' answer to the posters question, but how can you tell if he actually likes you or is uncomfortable because he knows you like him?

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A female reader, puppylove101  +, writes (26 November 2009):

puppylove101 agony auntI'm with "CaringGuy" with this one. Maybe he likes you but doesn't know what to do. Or he's nevous around you with his girlfriend by his side.

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A female reader, QuirkLady United States +, writes (26 November 2009):

QuirkLady agony auntHe likes you and it's uncomfortable for him to talk to you with his girlfriend around.

However, you already know that.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2009):

Maybe he thinks you're good looking.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (26 November 2009):

It might be that he likes you, or knows that you like him and is uncomfortbale (more likely, since his girlfriend is acting possesive!). Either way, he has a girlfriend, so well done for not making a move. If he likes you, he'll end it with her and come to you. If I were you, I'd just pull back a bit and make sure you're meeting other people. Yes, there are others. One guy will be all for you.

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