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What age were you when you lost YOUR virginity? (I was 23)

Tagged as: Teenage, Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 January 2009) 22 Answers - (Newest, 14 July 2011)
A female age 41-50, anonymous writes:

This is kind of an idle question I suppose.

I've noticed and been kind of alarmed by a large number of sex questions being asked by kids in the 13-15 year old age range. (It seems awfully young to me.) I'd like to have kids of my own some day and am curious if this is becoming common and will be something I'll be dealing with with them.

So my question is:

What is your age range?

When did you lose your virginity?

I realize these are personal questions, but thought it might be okay to ask since people can answer anonymously.

I am in the 25-29 group and my first time was when I was 23.


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A male reader, matthew-matt  +, writes (14 July 2011):

I am 23 and still a vrigin

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 December 2009):

I am a 30-35 year old very happily married mom of 3 healthy beautiful girls.

I was 8 or 9 when I lost my virginity. My memories of this are kinda fuzzy, but I do remember that it hurt a LOT!!!

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A female reader, LoveOnaStick United States +, writes (8 February 2009):

I was thirteen, but it was with a man whom I had known my entire life (He was 16) and I am still with now. I am actually 17, i just clicked the wrong number and my account says I am 13-15.


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A female reader, misfitschik66 Canada +, writes (8 February 2009):

misfitschik66 agony aunt Im 19 now and i lost my virginity when i was 14 to my boyfriend which was 18( and had had other sex partners before me) and had been dating for 2 months he is now 22 and he were together for 3 and a half years

my mom is 43 and was 16 when she lost hers to my dad when my dad was 8 years older then her

my boyfriend now is 20 and he was 18 when he lost his viginity to me when i was 18

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 February 2009):

I am 20 now and was 16 when I lost my virginity. My boyfriend was also a virgin and we had been dating for six months. Looking back on it we we're really young, but obviously at the time we did not think so. However it was one thing that brought us closer and we are still together. I couldn't imagine sex with any other guy. Its funny to think back to how akward we were back then but we sure have gotten good at it now!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 February 2009):

I just found out my mom was 14 or 15 when she lost hers and i started crying, im 4'11 and 13 im skinny alot of people think im pretty but im shy. Im the captain of my middle school cheer team. I have never kissed a guy, and my mom was just so much diffrent than me,

Im crying right now because i just found out like 2 minutes ago!

I just dont get loosing your virginity.

My mom and Dad tell me wait till your married then when i found out about my mom,

it SHOCKED me i thought you know my mom and dad are sweethearts had to be there first time,

apparently not!

I dont get why you wouldnt wait! You are connected Hormonally to you first as you are to your kids!

If some of you didnt know that,

and for the 8 year old that got raped, you would think you would be scared and DEF save it for marraige,


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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 January 2009):

I lost mine a week after my 17th birthday, and i'm still 17. I'm no longer with the guy (we broke up last weekend), but I have no regrets. I only wish our circimstances were different so that we could still be together.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 January 2009):


I was 19 when it happened.

I'm in the 25-29 age range.

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A female reader, coRnfused United Kingdom +, writes (13 January 2009):

I think the most important thing u can do, is talk about sex with your kids. I was raised with the "if we dont talk about it it doesnt exist" which made me loose my virginity at 16, to a guy who after it told me not to tell anyone and acted like nothing had happened.

If i knew better, i wouldve known that sex is about love. and a girl doesnt have to give it out to the first who asks.

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A female reader, D.L United Kingdom +, writes (12 January 2009):

iWas 14. iDont Regret It, i Jus Wished It Cud Have Been Wiv My Bf Who i Am With Now. would have made it that extra bit special i think. But everything happens for a reason. i think if your mature enough to know the facts about sex and your in a good relationship then its fine. i dont believe in all that "cant have sex until at least a year" stuff, when its right, you'll just know. whether thats after a month, 2, 6, or a year. x

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A male reader, passionatelynumb United States +, writes (12 January 2009):

passionatelynumb agony auntI was 25. I waited a long time for someone I truly loved. I thought it would help build a stronger bond with someone if I didn't sleep around. The only problem is it only works if your partner didn't sleep around either.

It's depressing how cheap sex has become these days.

Most people I know who are my age have been having sex since their early teens and their numbers of partners are usually in the double digits by now.

It’s tough trying to view sex as something special with someone when you are just another naked body in a long line of partners.

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A female reader, SugarCookie United States +, writes (12 January 2009):

I was 15 and am now 19 and still with the guy i lost my virginity to. He was a virgin too and had just turned 17. I knew he was the one and so far am right and it is a decision i dont regret.

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A female reader, LaydeeOfSorrows Australia +, writes (12 January 2009):

LaydeeOfSorrows agony auntIm 16 and I lost it when I was 16, Still with the guy, no regrets about it at all.

Everyone feels its the right time for them, at different ages...In my opinion, as long as they are 16 or over, its fine.

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A female reader, shnookims South Africa +, writes (12 January 2009):

shnookims agony auntI am 20 and I lost it when I was 18 and drunk to a guy who claimed he didn't remember anything and made me look like a fool. It's one of my biggest regrets as I wanted it to be with someone special. Once you loose it and guys know you've lost it they're so different. When you date them and you tell them you want to wait they're like WHY?

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A male reader, lovelynightmare United States +, writes (12 January 2009):

lovelynightmare agony auntNineteen, still have my virginity, waiting for marriage.

From the situations around me that stem from sex, I know enough to stay away from "the great complicator".

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 January 2009):

I'm 29. My first time was at 26. It was my bf's first time, too -- he was 25.

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A female reader, VictoriaJK Canada +, writes (12 January 2009):

I am currently 18

Lost my virginity a couple months ago when I was still 17.

If you ask me people are having sex way too young. I don't believe in the whole "wait until you're married" thing but fooling around and having sex when you're as young as 13 is ridiculous. I waited until I found the right person. Normally people don't find that person fresh out of high school but i was lucky enough to. People should wait for someone special to come along before doing anything with so many consequences

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A female reader, im_a_dummy United States +, writes (12 January 2009):

im_a_dummy agony aunti was raped at age 8, so i guess 8, but the first time i did it after that i was 15. referring to satindesire, there is not any right way to educate people, there are more effective ways, but i dont think my mom taught me a bad way. she said, hey ive done it all, tell me when ur ready ill stick you on the pill and we talked and stuff. its not in how the parents teach there children about sex, its how the child approches it. I always thought of it badly, until my bf of 11 months on our 11 month anniversary talked me into it. i am pregnant from it, i do NOT regret anything tho. i am happy with my life and i cant wait for my baby. i am scared but happy. very happy.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 January 2009):

I was 14 got pressured an lied to I have been abused by guys though I was just lookin for somebody to love me I regret it now I'm 16 an 7 mths pregnant I don't regret my baby but my past has caused my babys dad to leave me for a couple weeks it sucks but you can't change the past an its hard to make teens understand guys want only one thing I mean my babys dad even admitted to me a mth ago he only wanted sex when we first met we've been together almost 8 mths guys are pricks

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A female reader, elwoodbluelou United States +, writes (12 January 2009):

elwoodbluelou agony auntim 14 and still a virgin.

i respect myself more than that to just give it away already =/

im gunna try to wait until marriage.

trying to .. well.. live above the influence :)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 January 2009):

I was 13

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 January 2009):

i'm 18 and i still hold the v-card. i'm not waiting for marriage just something special. my sister who is now 16 lost her viginity at age 14 with no one in particular. i don't judge her for it, but i know that my first time will be special because i understand myself and my values much more now than i did when i was 14. we all make completely different descisions, and only you can dscide what's best for you.

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