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Us "hanging out" usually just means me giving him head or us having sex. I'm feeling used!

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 October 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 October 2010)
A female Australia age 30-35, *iola16 writes:

Okay soo.. Ive been seeing this guy for over a year; we just started dating 3 months ago officially. It's my junior year and his senior year. Homecoming is in a couple of weeks and he won't take me. He also never wants to go out with me on a date or to any parties. He claims that we hang out enough because we live across the street from each other so I see him pretty much every night. Us "hanging out" usually just means me giving him head or us having sex. I feel like he is just using me and I am getting nothing in return. All I want him to do is make a little effort to show how he feels for me. He says he loves me.. but I don't even know anymore. What should I do?

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (20 October 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntSorry darling, sex doesn't equal love. He's using you for sex or sexual favors whatever he's feeling up to that night. Of course he's not going to take you on a proper date, or to homecoming because all he wants from you is sex. Not a relationship. He tells you he loves you because that's what you want to think he does, and want to be loved so you continue to grant his wishes.

Get yourself out of this fuck buddy situation...He's only after what's between your legs..nothing more. You deserve a guy who will take you to homecoming, buy you a gorgeous corsage, and take you to an awesome after party. Not a loser, who only calls you to ask you to walk across the street for some nookie.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (20 October 2010):

eyeswideopen agony auntDrop him like a hot potato. Of course he's using you and you are allowing it. You are wasting your precious high school fun times. Get you head out of his crotch and go make some wonderful high school memories for yourself.

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