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This may sound silly, but is keeping your undergarments on a safe contraceptive device?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Pregnancy, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 August 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 16 August 2007)
A female United States age 30-35, *hegirldrummer writes:

hay, this has been bugging me foe a long time, if u makeout with just your undergarments on, can you get pregent????

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A female reader, broken baby United States +, writes (16 August 2007):

sperm cells are small enough to go through clothes if he cums your screwed but if your just kissing why is there a problem i think you need to ask your mom for a sex talk or buy a book

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A male reader, Mr Raindog United States +, writes (15 August 2007):

Mr Raindog agony auntIf you're making out, no.

If he ejaculates (cums) on your underwear than yes, you can and many already have. Ever pulled on cotton and seen the little holes between the threads? Well, sperm are much smaller than that and they can swim right past it, go up into you and give you an unexpected present.

Use condoms, not cotton.

One thing to consider though, when a guy gets turned on and he gets excited, he expels a little bit of "pre-cum." This has a small of live sperm in it. If this were to rub onto your undergarments, it's still possible, for you to get pregnant that way. If both of you have your underwear on, I would think the risk would be virtually non-existent. But you know what they say, "Life finds a way."

As always, be careful.

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A female reader, YummyMummy United Kingdom +, writes (12 August 2007):

YummyMummy agony auntIf a guy is cumming on your knickers then yes you could get pregnant as sperm in tiny enough to get through the threads that make up your knickers. Best way of not getting pregnant is keeping sperm well away from your girly bits :)


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A female reader, Blackruby United Kingdom +, writes (12 August 2007):

Depends what you mean by making England, making out is a prolonged deep kissing session. You can't get pregnant from that.

But if making out to you means sex or heavy petting then it is possible. By heavy petting I mean you touching him and then yourself, it is possible to transfer fluid between yourselves that could lead to infection or pregnancy.

Hope that helps, your best bet is if you are going to be touching eachother, stick a condom on him as soon as he gets hard, that's a way to be sure. But, of course, don't let him think that means you are going to sleep with him.

I hope you have an open conversation line with your boyfriend, so you are able to talk about your concerns and what you want to do.

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