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Since getting a bf, she's started ignoring me! How can I get her to like me, or even just be my friend again?

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 September 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 14 September 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, *ath writes:

Ok im 16 and have this really good friend who i have been really good friends with for about 2 years. She got a boyfriend about a month ago that she really likes, and nothings been the same since. Ive liked her ever since we've been friends and i told her that and she didnt say much. But now she has this boyfriend we never get to see each other as much as we used to, she even sort of ignores me sometimes, which i think has something to do with her new boyfriend. Making the situation of me trying to get her to like me even harder. What can i do to get her to like me, or even be, the really good friends we used to be?

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A male reader, Tommy7 United States +, writes (14 September 2007):

What's happening is normal. Don't take it personal. She probably still considers you a friend.

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A female reader, xxmissxx United Kingdom +, writes (14 September 2007):

xxmissxx agony auntIm afraid to say that she seems to really want to move on.

Shes happy with her new bf. I know you miss her friendship,but shell come back when shes ready, shes in the honeymoon period, let her enjoy it.

Just be there for her when she needs you, and im sure shell be there for you when you need her aswell, just give it time, let her enjoy the early days of her new relationship, and then at least you can say youve been a good friend.

Youll meet new friends anyway, maybe even a gf of your own, your still young, theres plenty of time so dont rush and wallow over this.

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