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She won't respond to me so should I try again or just move on?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 April 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2008)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I recently got to know this girl who works near my place of work and we have spent a lot of time talking to each other up till midnight most days and during work time we constantly sent text messages to each other she new I wanted to be more than friends. On more than one occation she met me out of work and contacted me. tonight i asked her out and she said she had a boyfriend and had told me this before. I don't remember her ever saying this before she had told me she had recently split up with someone. I have sent a message saying I hope there are no hard feelings and that I hope we can be mates again I have not had a reply yet. I do not know what to do and am very confused we had spoken about a lot of personnel issues and really felt as though there was a connection I do not know what to do whether to leave it a couple of days and try again and make contact and talk or to send flowers or do I accept I may have been a mug and move on.

View related questions: flowers, move on, split up, text

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A female reader, sarcy24 United Kingdom +, writes (20 April 2008):

sarcy24 agony auntI think Laura is spot on here. Just pretend it never happened. When you see her next just be cool and indifferent - women don't like to be ignored and that will start her wondering!

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (20 April 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntI think you should pretend you have amnesia and just forget that you have invited her.

The next time you meet or talk, you pretend that incident never happened at all.

If you are still interested in her, go slowly.

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