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She wants to cheat on her fiance with me! Help!

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 March 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 10 March 2009)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hey People! Need some help and advice!

Im Male and iv got this female friend who has been flirting with me more and more, she has a bf and is engadged to marry him.... Shes cheated on him before and he forgave her now she wants to cheat on him with me... She wont leave me alone, sending me dirty messages and wanting to do stuff with me when i see her..... I said wat about ur bf and she said he dont have to know... What Do i Do?????

Help Please!

View related questions: fiance, flirt

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 March 2009):

What do you do? You do what you want and face the music. Good luck.

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (10 March 2009):

jessica04 agony auntHonestly, that's a can of worms I would not open.

Talk to her about why she is continuing to do this to her fiance. It doesn't sound like a case of cold feet anymore, it just sounds like she is using him.

If she continues, then promise her that you will show her fiance the texts and out her to him. He may be a poor sap, but no one deserves the kind of betrayal she is doing to him. Don't take any part of it.

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A male reader, Tewebag United States +, writes (10 March 2009):

i think, this is just my thoughts so i dont want other people bitching because i say what i think, that you should probley tell her guy about her. i wouldnt want to marry someone like that because shes a whore. he will just have problems later on, lose half of his money and belonging because she sleeps around. do what you want. on a plus side: once you tell him and he breaks up with her, you can do her without the guilt your feeling for thinking about it.

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