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She suggested dating, then broke up with me, now doesn't want to see me. What can I do?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 February 2009) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male United States age 30-35, *merica20 writes:

So basically I dating this girl during the summer and we broke up and became he bestest of friends. A lot of things happened and I always stayed by her side so around new years she said will you be mine. Of course I said yes. And I mean it felt like we were dating, kissing and all the other good stuff. Then she had doubts and said that she didnt like the title of girlfriend. Nothing really changed. I told my best male friend that we were dating and when he asked her she denied it and broke up with me. Then she said she hated the site of me and ignored me for a while.

We have started talking over text and it seems like we are friends. I realize I overestimated her and in fact she was not ready for a relationship as I was. So now she is moving out, alone and wont tell me where and doesnt want to see me in person. What can I do? Do you think it will just blow over in time or did she replace me with this other guy she just went out with on valentines day? ugh I really need help...

View related questions: broke up, kissing, text

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