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My wife is very involved in league play and developed a world of on line friendships.

Tagged as: Family, Marriage problems, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 March 2007)
A male United States age , anonymous writes:

I have been married for 16 year. Several years ago my wife started on line gaming. She got very involved in league play and developed a world of on line friendships. This cause much upheaval in our life when she started spending 6 to 10 hours a day on line. She works 40 hours a week and certainly enjoys her sleep. This didn't leave too much time for me (her hubby) and her daughter.

This situation came to a crisis point and we even talked about divorce a couple of times. The site that she gamed at closed down and things started getting better around here and with our relationship. A few months later she found a new site that was being developed and dug right in getting very involved with the growth of the site. She met many new friends and rekindled relationships with old friends from the other site. Now she has even started her own league room which commands most of her left over attention that isn't spent on her regular gaming, chatting, emails and just plain online MSN messenging with on line friends.

We are back where we once were. She is short tempered with my daughter and I. She is accusitory of us when we complain that she dosent spend any time with us and she has made it clear through her actions what is REALLY important to her. I'm at my wits end and in my world divorce isn't really an alternative. What can I do to save my sanity?

View related questions: divorce, msn

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A female reader, travelgal United States +, writes (25 March 2007):

travelgal agony auntIt really comes down to one of two things: ask her what's more important to her; saving your marriage and her relationship with your daughter, or rekindeling online relationships with people she's never met, and probably never will?

She obviously has a serious addiction, and may have turned to online entertainment because there was something missing in the marriage and home life? Perhaps you should make a plan that you go out with her at least twice a week, as well as make a day plan for the weekend- go out to a park, museum, whatever, just get OUT of the house, AWAY from the internet, and most importantly spend TIME with one another so that your wife will see what she is missing out from that is right under her nose!

Good luck- let me know how this works out! Because divorce is certainly NOT the answer!

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A male reader, home_land Germany +, writes (25 March 2007):

home_land agony aunthello

dont divorce your wife just take her away to the desert

or somewhere for 2 weeks to have some time together

or stand there and threw that thing out of your window and befor you do that make sure that no body get hurt.

good luck

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