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My wife accuses me of not in love with her anymore and needs a divorce

Tagged as: Cheating, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 September 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 September 2010)
A male Kenya age 41-50, anonymous writes:


I have been married for 8 years now. We did a church wedding and my wife was a virgin then. We had agreed for one kid only but over time she has cheated me and now we have 3 kids.

This is one of our constant conflicts. Secondly is that she is never neat right from the word go. I have employed house helps and she has never improved. She had also given me the duty of getting house helps...This became a conflict ground since everytime i felt madd of her i would talk it out with the house help. I didnt grow any intimacy with any of the girls but this has deepened our war in the family. My proffession involves travelling out of the country a lot. Now we are seriously at conflict and my wife has suggested a divorce citing that am dissatisfied with her and i no longer love her. I dont know for sure what i did to be here. i cant understand how this came this far. we have no talks anymore in the house but a lot of talk fighting. we dont agree anymore on anything. Could anyone tell me what checklist i should use to know if i contributed to this? We dont have any infidelity issues since we are committed christian couple.

Are we in a certain marriage stage?


View related questions: christian, divorce, infidelity, wedding

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 September 2010):

The best thing is to give her what she asks for (Devorce)

She has reasons for it.

1 she cheated on you

2 she asks for devorce.

3 she has never been smart

4 she does not love you

Why botter yourself with her when she asks for devorce.

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A male reader, jimrich United States +, writes (20 September 2010):

OMG what a perfectly HORRIBLE home life for your kids. Kids deserve and need good parental role models but I guess bad parental role models can help kids learn what NOT TO BE when they grow up.

Since you are both committed Christians, ask God or Jesus for help saving your kids from further damage!

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