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My boyfriend cut us up because he messed about and that's put me in harm's way?????

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 January 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 18 January 2011)
A female New Zealand age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I'm really hoping I get a lot of answers cause I need all I can get. My boyfriend bailed out last weekend. He wouldn't tell me what caused him to break us off. He wasn't mean sbout, if anything looked like he was in a dar place. He just keeping assuring me he decided for my good so he had to forget end us so he could get me out harms way. I begged him on email, texting to pls give me 1 senntence rxplanation and he finally agreed. He said "I don't deserve u cuz I messed u about. Please ell me all the meanings of this or possible ones. I can't think of any way he made me feel messed about. What could he mean he messed me about and he can't stay because he has to keep me out of harms way? what?

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (18 January 2011):

Honeypie agony auntI'm guessing he was cheating on you? He didn't want to be with you, he either wanted another girl or he wanted to be single and free to screw around. He is just trying to sound "mysterious" about it. Pathetic really.

Either way, he's right, he doesn't deserve you.

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (18 January 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntWell if my boyfriend done this to me and messaged me saying this then i would automatically assume that he means he has been with another girl or multiple girls. He finished with you as he has messed you around by not being faithful and not being true to the relationship and he is finishing it now to keep you out of harms way of getting hurt even more by him. That would be my guess anyway. Ask him clear out was there someone else and is that why he finished with you. Although he may be to much of a coward to be truthful with you. Goodluck.

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