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Longing for the love I once had and want to have a family.

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Long distance, Pregnancy, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 April 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 13 April 2009)
A female United States age 36-40, *iamondMurry2128 writes:

Hi everyone,I have a boyfriend who I have been with from I was 14,but when I turn 16 I was on a plane to the us. I was so said and hurt for leaving him down there and I always remember the last time I saw him he was crying so much.

I came up here thinking everything was going to be good, but I keep on meeting this guys and end up having sex with everyone who made me felt loved, I told my boyfriend in Jamaica everything I did up here,but the other day I made a big mistake and got pregnant for my auntie boyfriend and having a baby was something I wanted to have with my boyfriend in J.A so bad, but I have the abortion and my auntie boyfriend not leave me alone he kept telling me he loves me and want to be with me but it got out of hand so now everyone knows about it so he leaves me alone now,

and I told my J.A boyfriend and we cried together because that's what we wanted for ourself,but I moved on even thu its killing me inside and now I work hard and trying to go to J.A to marry my boyfriend,but my problem now is that I meet this guy and I just keep telling myself that he's the one and I should just get pregnant for him and move on cause I will never get the second chance I wanted with my J.A boyfriend.

What should I do move on with someone new or should I just fight for the love that my heart is and as been longing for?

View related questions: abortion, move on

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2009):

I think you have some serious, unresolved childhood issues that you should look at because your behavior is not healthy. I suggest you speak to a counsellor and find out why you need the wrong kind of attention so badly.

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