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Is she faking it or not?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 January 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 11 January 2009)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Hey, I had only had sex a few times before I met my current girlfriend, and these times I have been drunk. Now i've started sleeping with her regularly, I'm noticing I can't last as long when sober.

She says she really enjoys it, and orgasms quite a bit, which is good cause I want to make her happy (I realise that it doesn't mean everything, but yeh..). She usually initiates it as well, which says she is enjoying it, but the fact I only last a couple of minutes puts doubt in my mind.

I just want to know if she's faking it or not. I've asked her and she said no, but I don't know if she's just trying to protect my feelings.

From what I think I know the signs are there that shes enjoying it (breathing heavily even when I'm on top and doing all the work :p, gets very 'cuddly' after, etc). Is there any other ways to tell or not?


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A male reader, anonymous, writes (11 January 2009):

Original poster here. Thanks for the confindence boost :p Nah I appreciate the honesty.

We do do alot of foreplay its just the actually intercourse may only last 2-3 minutes. Especially if shes on top, that makes it end really quickly.

I'll work on the exercises to make me last longer, I don't want to lose her because of this. Any other thoughts are appreciated.

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A female reader, MommyOfOne United States +, writes (11 January 2009):

MommyOfOne agony auntMy boyfriend doesn't last very long... Its really annoying. We've been together for about a year, and I'm hoping that in time, this will fix itself. A few minutes isn't long enough for a girl to get into it, let alone enjoy herself. I have never, ever told my bf this. And always tell him he was amazing, blah blah blah. Its called spareing feelings. Your supposed to be open about what you want sexually and what's working and what's not. But, I just don't have the heart to tell him. This may be the case with your gf. Very well may not, but I doubt it. I have heard that there are ways and exercise you can do to help yourself last longer...

That said, I would spend lots and lots of time on fore play and oral. The longer the better. An hour of just that alone would benefit her some.

(I will probably be bashed for being that honest. Hate me for it.)

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A female reader, siamaq18 United States +, writes (11 January 2009):

siamaq18 agony auntHi, well I must say that she is completely faking it, why I said that? Because I'm kinda going through a similar situation with my current boyfriend, he only lasts for like a couple of minutes, which was okay with me at first but now its just completely annoying, and I don't want to think that SEX is going to be an issue in our relationship, but there's something you should know, women love having sex just as men do, some women shows it and some just don't, your girlfriend just don't want to hurt your feelings, and if she's the typical woman, there's either three things she's going to do, and I'm really being honest, 1-She's going to cut the bullshit and tell you straight up,2-She's going to find somebody else who's going to have sex with her for more than a few minutes, and 3-She's going to cheat on you. Believe me all of those options has came across my mind already, but I just decided that I'm going to encourage him to take his vitamins which is very essential and a well balanced meal, so he can have all the energy to last long.

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