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Is my straight friend bi or gay?

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Question - (7 January 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 8 January 2010)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Ok this is driving me crazy would appreciate ur 23 openly bisexual and totally in love with my straight friend ben.known him for about a year thru his bestmate. The second time we met at a rave we were both very drunk and he couldnt keep away from me, followin me all over the club, holding my hand, huggin me etc i thought it wz strange as he is straight and this wz only the 2nd time id met him. Anyway im very affection so i took a special shine to all this sudden attention he wz givin me, it made me like him, the turnin point was wen he licked my ear inda middle of the club and asked me if i liked it. I knew then that he had to at least b bisexual. The next 2months we spent every wknd together, he is an outrageous flirt and a leo so very gd with words always sendin me texts sayn hw handsome i wz and that he loved me. I cud neva tell if he wz serious or if it wz jus the type of banter we had but i wz fallin for him...and he knows im he jus teasing me? Anyway i stayed at his one night drunk and we shared a bed, as he wz sleepin i jus lay there strokin his face and since that day he doesnt get too flirty with me and i prob see him once a month but he is very comfortable with himself so its hard to judge him on how affectionate he is with me, we kiss on the cheek and hug all the time...its so surreal...he's got a girlfriend and is straight and knows i adore him...dnt get it. I text him and tell him i love him all the time, he texts bk sumtimes and sumtimes not. One thing he does is always try to wind me up callin me gay...but then he always invites me out and doesnt mind bein around me even tho he knows hows touchy i get with him. Its weird guys so weird i cant read him. And now the roles r reversed...its me chasing him like a puppy dog wen he used to chase me at the beginning

View related questions: drunk, flirt, teasing, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2010):

If one is to decide only on the information you provided, he acted gay, probably closet. A strictly straight guy who is sure of himself would not act the way he did with you.

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A female reader, LaPointe Canada +, writes (7 January 2010):

Lovely, what does it matter? He's got a girlfriend. Show some respect.

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