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Is he playing games?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 June 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 14 June 2009)
A age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hi, erm well firstly this lad... he's not a bad lad in the slightest really. but back in february i got one of my friends to ask him out and he said no i am not ready for a relationship (he has had other girlfriends before though) i on the otherhand have had no boyfriend experience, i want to though. anyways since then we have been getting friendlier and friendlier up to the point where he ask for my number. he used to text me friendly texts with one 'x' on the end. then we stopped. and kinda become unclose again - throughout all this my feelings havent changed for him. recently he texted me out of the blue with two 'xx' on the end, i know you might be thinking this isn't a big deal but it kind of is in this situation. then the other day i was talking to him, he goes through my phone, he drinks my drinks and just normal things really. i'm ok with it all. then he asked me to text him my msn address. so i did. and we were talking quite friendly. but before he wasn't like this and was quite shy around me because he knew i liked him. and i basically want to know what his aim is here? is he interested? i'm clueless please help xxx

View related questions: msn, shy, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 June 2009):

he's only 14, probably only halfway through puberty. he probably thinks of you as a close friend, like a male buddy, that just happens to be female. you can change that but you might have to act a little sexy and dress up for him a little bit. play bimbo a few times, act helpless. stimulate those fatherly instincts that all males have inside of them.

those actions would speak way louder than words.

on the other hand he's only 14. what do you expect from him at this young age? most guys don't have a real girlfriend until 16 or 17. most girls your age are dating 16 and 17 year old guys because the 14-year olds just aren't ready yet.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 June 2009):

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i just realised that i didn't include some points... when i'm on about drinks i mean my can of coke or something that i have/ my sweets or something. And yeah i'm 15 and he's 14... thanks again to anyone who replies xxxxx

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