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Is he annoyed with getting with me or what?

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 February 2012) 1 Answers - (Newest, 13 February 2012)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, *orisykes writes:


I've got a few questions, but first, here's a quick overview.

Basically i'm almost 16 and i had my first kiss last weekend. It was at a party but the guy and i had been talking for about 3 hours, during which time i had tested him to make sure it wasn't a quick thing, and he passed and stuck with talking to me even when other people tried to get his attention.

It was really nice, not too much or anything and he told one of my friends he thought it was nice as well.

HOWEVER, this guy is *cringe* two years younger than me, although most of his friends are in my year and he is very mature. (and good looking). We said goodbye nicely.

The next day, however, there is a status on his facebook that says 'Please no banter for the mong i got with!'.

According to him this was a frape, but its really not funny. Firstly, i am definatly not a mong, and secondly.. what!!!

Apparently he was annoyed with himself the next day for getting with me, but i swear he wasn't even drunk?

Then i find out that my friends brother had been texting him about me saying i am 'clever', - something negative, in his opinion.

Just help me, what do you make of this situation? Should i take his words into account, he really felt bad for getting with me? Should i forget about it?

Just some clarification would be amazingly helpful, i feel so confused.


View related questions: drunk, facebook, friend's brother, text

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A male reader, GoodDog United Kingdom +, writes (13 February 2012):

GoodDog agony auntTo me it sounds like he's being really immature by writing things like that on his FB. Anyone reading that will see just how childish he is, so he's not doing himself any favours.

It could also be, of course, that he has been teased by his friends and is trying to make light of it - pretending not to be interested when in fact he really is.

Either way, I would move on from him now and find someone who is more mature and appreciates being with a girl like you.

Hope this helps!

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