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I'm in love with my coach!

Tagged as: Age differences, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 October 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 21 October 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I am In love with my softball ast. Coach he is 26 I am 17 I no he has feelings for me because he is always texting me and flirting with me we hang out every friday at the football games the biggest problem is I have a bf that I have been with for 3 year but he just doent treat me right anymore I dnt love him I love my coach wat should I do?

View related questions: flirt, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 October 2010):

Follow your heart. If you don't love your boyfriend, and he doesn't treat you right, you should break it off anyway. Remember, though, the grass always seems greener on the other side... Before you jump, make sure you check for weeds.

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A male reader, gigolojone Uganda +, writes (21 October 2010):

gigolojone agony auntYou already know the answer.

Follow your heart for your happiness does matter most.

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A female reader, jodieleigh Ireland +, writes (21 October 2010):

jodieleigh agony auntbreak it off with your boyfriend and go with your coach. just be happy in life. all you can do

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A male reader, turkishsabre Turkey +, writes (21 October 2010):

turkishsabre agony aunthey i dont believe you:)) a flirt is not occurs is two sided.. if there is a flirt two people say he flirts this is not true..if he can flirt you you allow him and both of you are this means fooling your boyfriend..and if you ask this question you re enough aware of what you do..dont fool honest..this is not about age..this is about your respect to yourself and your stop flirting to that guy or stop going out with your boyfriend..dont try to hunt them together..dont forget when you go hunting you may be hunted:Pp nobody is fool..

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A male reader, suitcase Sri Lanka +, writes (21 October 2010):

suitcase agony aunthay big prob,,,,,u gotta agree with your heart,,but your boy friend loves you right?? 3years is a big time,,,,,think before you leap....tell me the progress

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