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I love my boyfriend but I can't seem to forget my first crush

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 April 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 April 2011)
A female United States age 26-29, *iryuu writes:

Hello Aunties!

Okay here is my question i finally have a boyfriend! yay! the problem is i can't seem to forget about my first crush i had since i was 9. i really love my boyfriend with all my heart but when i see my first crush i freeze to death and get jealous when other girls are flirting with him in front of me! I also get jealous when other girls try and get my boyfriend to date him. i don't want to leave my boyfriend or hurt his feelings. what do i do? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View related questions: crush, flirt, jealous

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A female reader, Luv2giveadvice Australia +, writes (5 April 2011):

Babe you will never forget your first crush/love,

i would just try avoiding where here is/will be.

Im 27 and I saw my first love of 8 years, and I nearly


Just focus on who you have now, and how you feel about


You will be fine!

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A male reader, honestman Mexico +, writes (5 April 2011):

It is easier to forget your first crush when you are with a new boyfriend. You just need to be patient, in around 1 or 2 years in your relationship, you'll barely remember your first crush. So be patient!

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A male reader, dirtball United States +, writes (4 April 2011):

dirtball agony auntDid you ever tell your crush how you feel? Part of this may be due to the fact you never got any closure (because I'm guessing you didn't).

Eventually it will become obvious to your BF how you feel for this other boy. The better he gets to know you, the easier you'll be to read.

If you like your BF, then do your best to focus on him, and develop those feelings toward him. That other boy is no longer important. It's not easy, but it can be done.

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