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I am a virgin but my girl is not.

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 August 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 7 August 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I've been dating a girl, whom I'm absolutely in love with, for about 8 months. We've had a few rough roads, but most recently, she told me that she was being stupid and had sex with her ex boyfriend and six days later he dumped her. I don't know why, but this was the most painful thing she'd ever told me. I told her that i could forgiver her and I have. Now, I am just curious. Aside from being the one that she shared that special bond with, am I missing out on any thing? Is sex with a virgin better?

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A male reader, Yos Netherlands +, writes (7 August 2010):

Yos agony auntNo you're not missing out.

She had sex once, and by the sounds of it, it was bad sex. And sex with a virgin isn't any better. Although, since she's only had sex once, she knows nothing about it either really.

One other thing: you had no need to forgive her, because she'd done nothing wrong to you. Clearly she regretted what she did in hindsight: he left her! But assuming she's of legal age then she didn't do anything wrong having sex with him. So nothing to forgive there.

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A female reader, GettingHelp South Africa +, writes (7 August 2010):

He may have broken her hymen, but he broke her heart. It will never be fond memories for her. So that "special bond"? I don't think he shared that with her.

But you still can. Its a mental thing.

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