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How do I make a guy love me?

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Question - (7 April 2008) 6 Answers - (Newest, 8 April 2008)
A female Canada age 51-59, anonymous writes:

How do I make a guy love me?

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A female reader, cari Ireland +, writes (8 April 2008):

cari agony auntu dont sori i wish it was as simple as dat but it isnt,u have to wait and see wat happens.

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A female reader, lotsofgiggles123 United States +, writes (7 April 2008):

lotsofgiggles123 agony auntyou just have to wait and see you cant MAKE a guy love you

theres nothing you can do just be your self and then the right one will come along.

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A female reader, duskyrowe United Kingdom +, writes (7 April 2008):

duskyrowe agony auntDitto to what LJ001 says.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 April 2008):

Honey, you should know by now.. You can't make anyone love you unfortunately.

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A male reader, molar305 United States +, writes (7 April 2008):

molar305 agony auntyou can't he either will or won't. But you can at least give him a reason to believe you are worth considering. Make him see your qualities. make him see that you are just as good, if not better than the other women around.

Is he younger? is he older? is he married? is he picky? all this can help to making him notice you

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 April 2008):

You cannot make anyone love you, that has to come naturally. No one has ever had the power to do that. Just be yourself and never try to be someone you are not. They will be falling at your feet.

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