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How do I figure out if I am being overly sensitive or if my feelings are legit

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 September 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 21 September 2007)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Relationships are always stressful because I "over think" everything. I'm not sure my girlfriend is really right for me, so what do I ask myself to determine if I'm truly being overly sensitve or if what bothers me is legit?

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A female reader, Sweet-thing United Kingdom +, writes (21 September 2007):

Sweet-thing agony auntStop and think about the things you want out of a relationship; companionship, love, honesty, affection, dedication, romance, sex, someone who makes you laugh, who understands your moods, someone who allows you to be yourself and supports your dreams and desires. Then think about the things you don't want in a relationship; Someone who plays games with your emotions, is not up front about their feelings, is secretive, hot-tempered, bossy, unkind, doesn't compromise etc. Then think about how your g/f measures up and is meeting those needs/desires or is her personality falling more on the no-no list? Once you know yourself better, you'll know when someone is right for you or not.

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A female reader, superbunny United Kingdom +, writes (21 September 2007):

superbunny agony auntIt's hard to tell if you overthink things from a small little paragraph - message me if you'd like to chat some more. :]

But, if you're wondering if someone's really right for you then chances are they aren't but don't forget it's perfectly human to have all these little queries in your head, but if they're becoming a big problem, then maybe that person just isn't right for you.

Hope this has helped a little bit. :] x

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A male reader, Frank B Kermit Canada +, writes (21 September 2007):

Frank B Kermit agony auntFirstly, if you stress out too easily, then do not get into monogamous relationships. Do not be exclusive and just date a number of people.

Next, start out by asking yourself what your boundaries are. What are your deal breakers? Are they realistic? You are over thinking becuase you are seeking to find meaning, where they may be no meaning. Once you know your own boundaries, then you are in a position to quickly know if you are being too sensitive or being legit. It becomes much clearer.

-Frank B Kermit

Author: "I'm a Man, THat's My Job"

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