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How can I get over an obsession with a long distance love I probably can never get together with?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Breaking up, Long distance, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 August 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 22 August 2008)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I don't want to sound like a creep, but... well... here goes.

I'm 18 years old, and I fell in love with a girl about two years ago after only having met her a couple of times. I can't explain what it was about her--- you know the feeling... The thing is that we live really quite far away from one another so we have only kept in touch over the internet since then. Over that time I have watched her fall in love with two oher guys and eventually split up with them. She only recently split up with the second of these two guys, and since we were supposed to be starting out at the same university in a few weeks I thought that this might be my chance.

Unfortunately, she is beginning to have second thoughts about going to university at all now. She is a very intelligent girl, but feels that she is being forced into it. It currently looks as though she won't be there with me after all.

I am devastated. I have wasted away two years of my life obsessing over her and looking forward to the day when I would have a chance to be with her... and now this happens. I know it sounds weird, but she is the only girl I feel I have ever been in love with, and my being so sad about her for the past two years has really not done me any good. I drift in and out of depression, and my sadness has affected my relationships with my friends.

More importantly, though, I have been so obsessed with her that I have been completely unable to find other girls attractive. And even though I now see that I will never be with her, I don't think that I could ever really love another girl nearly as much as I love her.

Basically, I suppose that what I'm asking is... will I ever be able to love anyone else ever again? Do some types of people just never really move on? Will I end up in a relationship with another girl but always think of her as a disappointing second-prize who I can't really love...?

Thank you...

View related questions: fell in love, long distance, move on, split up, the internet, university

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A female reader, VMLBabyDoll United States +, writes (22 August 2008):

Geez, ya made me think about my past love....past love? no i still love him. Some peope move on, and some dont. Even if you didnt move on, it doesnt mean there is another girl you'll find, yes you may still think about this girl now, but who knows eventually you will meet girl and fall in love with her. You still have many years of your life to live so dont give up hope. Im with some one and still love the other guy, but hey i know he loves me so i know someday we could be together. You love girl, have you told her? I kinda know how ya feel. Hope i've helped you.


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