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Has anybody else been in a situation like this?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 February 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 3 February 2011)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

hello i have a question my girlfriend and i was together for two years she lived with me for a year and a half done things couples do she told me she loved me everyday

we even talked about marriage to make a long story short

her girlfriend needed a place to stay and she invited her to stay with us, well i caught her friend stealing from me and i kicked her out, well my... i guess ex girlfriend you could call her now got mad and left. well her friend i kicked out has been in touch with me telling me my ex didnt love me she was only using me then she tells me that she asks about me all the time and feels bad the way she did me. my friends tell me there is no way she was with you all that time and not have any feeling for me

to stay that long i think it might have something to do with pride. Has anybody else been in a situation like this.

View related questions: ex girlfriend, my ex

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A female reader, hotnhorny United Kingdom +, writes (3 February 2011):

hotnhorny agony auntYou have got yourself into a real situation aint ya hunny. Although your friends are right in saying that she cant have not had feelings for you as she stayed as long as she did and even more if you were on about getting married, but this does happen more often than you think. It seems that the bond between her and her friend took more control than her life with you ever would or did have. You did right in kicking her friend out when you found out she was stealing as you both did a real kind and nobel thing for her and she abused that, and it seems that her friend did everything she could to make sure that she didnt stay with you. Its seeems like a case of if you dont do what the friend wanted then you wsnt going to be with your girlfriend. Maybe she does regret how she left things with you but you do really have to think that if she truly did love you then she would have stuck by you when you kicked out her friend for stealing as technically she didnt just steal from you she stole from you both as you were both living together. If she cant understand that and would rather talk to her friend about you and ask her how you are rather than yourself then it does seem to sound as if she isnt really that interested. My advice. Even though I no that it will be hard as its easy for people on here to give this advice, is to try and move on. One day you will find someone that wont put friends before you and that will respect any decisions that you make on the off chance this situation happend again.

Good luck


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