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Ex really hurt in accident-should I go see him? Or not go?

Tagged as: Teenage, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 January 2009) 8 Answers - (Newest, 20 January 2009)
A age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My situations is this: theirs this guy which I'm intrested in and vise versa, but my ex boyfriend of 3 years has recently had a very bad car accident.. My ex boyfriends sister came to my house telling me that her brother wants to talk to me, he wants me to go visit him in the hospital and wants to know if we can work things out. I have told the guy I'm intrested in about this and he's ok with it he said that if I have no feelings towards my ex that I should go and see what he wants to tell me.. I honestly don't want to go and visit him, he really hurt me during our relationship.. My questions are: should I visit him and see what happends? Or should I just not go?

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A female reader, Finicky One United States +, writes (20 January 2009):

Finicky One agony auntYou should go visit him to show that you're still caring(some-what) even though he hurt you. You should be the mature one. If he's trying to reason with you, then let him know that you're only there to make sure he's okay. Then wish him luck and leave.

I'm sure he would feel kind of bad for whatever he did to you.

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A female reader, MommyOfOne United States +, writes (19 January 2009):

MommyOfOne agony auntThat was very big of you to go. At least he can't say you didn't even hear him out.

Good job.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 January 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Ok so I decided to go and see my ex.. It was tense at first but he was badly hurt he broke his leg and had some internal bleeding. He ended up telling me that he was truly sorry for everything he did to me (he cheated on me several times the last was with one of my friends, I was the one who caught them having sex.) He said he wanted another chance. I thought about it for maybe a minute and I decided that he is my past, he cheated then so why would he change now. I'm sticking with my current boyfriend. He has cared for me more than my ex ever did.

Thanks for everyones advice. Take care.

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A female reader, messedupfemale United Kingdom +, writes (18 January 2009):

messedupfemale agony auntI think you should go, it doesnt mean you have to sleep with him or make any promises. Just see what he has to say and it will give you something to think about. If he does want you back then it would be up to you what to do. I would say it sounds like you dont want him back and are happy with your new relationship so good for you. Go see him, listen to what he says, then have a think. I wouldnt give up on your new boyfriend if you are happy.

Anyway, just go and then go on from there. Give us an update!

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A female reader, MommyOfOne United States +, writes (18 January 2009):

MommyOfOne agony auntIt depends on WHAT he did during your relationship.

I have an ex who was extremely abusive. Absolutely horrible man (and I use that term loosely.) If he was in a wreck, and wanted to talk to me, it would depend on how badly he was hurt. If he was dying, I would consider. If he was just really banged up, the answer would be no. But, I would bring someone with me if I went...

If you really, truly don't want to go, then don't. Why bother?

Part of me would consider going just to break it to him softly that you are willing to hear what he was to say, but there is no way you will consider being with him.

Big accidents can open peoples eyes sometimes. And he may genuinely need to tell you things. But, if you don't want to go, then don't.

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A female reader, PunkyPippi United States +, writes (18 January 2009):

PunkyPippi agony auntI wouldn't go see him. Move on with your life and forget about him and the crap he did to you.

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A female reader, sheribaby38 United States +, writes (17 January 2009):

sheribaby38 agony auntwell you say you dont want to go so then dont go.if my ex was in a hospital room recovering and he wanted to see me i dont think i would go unless it was his last dying wish to see me. then i would concider it.

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A male reader, yum yum Switzerland +, writes (17 January 2009):

yum yum agony auntIf I were you I would go and see him to know what he wants, so you can have closure. However it also depends what he did to hurt you, which I don't know. Take care!

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